Sep 03, 2008 03:20
So this year's Dragon*con was definitely better than last year's Dragon*con in a lot of ways. Sure I didn't get to shake the hands of a lot of the celebrities I really wanted to see (Firefly and Farscape people) but I did play a minor role in Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog as Groupie #1 (yes, I do the weird stuff). I also played Anya in both Cast 2 and 3 of Buffy Horror show. My cast 2 Xander was awesome and we worked well together. Cast 3...errr...let's just say it wasn't just the audience that got drunk...lots of people just got sick in Cast 3 and so we did really really REALLY (try 2 min before the show started) last minute fill-ins, and somebody made the scary decision to bring an awesome concoction in a Camelpak as well as Silver Patron. Scariness ensued. Several of my friends also managed to unfortunately get sick on Saturday so I spent most of Sunday morning talking with Firecloud. Howeva! I got to make lots of new people that are awesome, I found out I can dance if it's choreographed (hooray!) and it's REALLY weird to be recognized from those plays (various Captain Hammers passing me and shouting, "HEY! SHE DOES THE WEIRD STUFF!" or people going, "Hey Anya!" and me looking around really confused). Gots me a Hellsing messenger bag, which was sadly the only thing I bought. The one real regret I have was passing by Lieutenant Braca from Farscape in Starbucks and not saying hi. *cries* next year...Videos of our play should be posted under truegrey42's youtube account. Or just search for Dr. Horrible Dragon*con 2008. Man, those seats were FULL. I am going to sacrifice goats in order to come next year...