...because I'm not feeling well today I thought this might distract me. Snagged from
Year In Review: 2009
Go to your Calendar and find the first entry for each month of 2009 (not including memes of course). Post the first line/sentence of it in your journal, and that's your "Year in Review".
I think I'm cheating a bit :)
My first entry in 2009 ! Let's get started with a HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!! to everyone reading this :)
I've been driving 'blind' today as it was incredibly foggy.
Did you know that I'm really bad at making headers ?
Yes, you read that right. Last week was the gardening week from hell.
No bowling tomorrow :( ...but in 2 weeks I'm going :D
As you can see I'm finally over my allergic reaction to grass and can stare at a monitor for man than 5 minutes at a time again, hence this entry being written.
We came back last Thursday evening but I'm still staying with my friends until Wednesday night when I'll catch my last flight for the month (hopefully).
I'm a bad lj writer (not commenter though - I'm pretty good with those).
I'm back from work - YAY!!! It's 9 p.m. - not so YAY!
I just did an hour research on flights (for different days) for my trip in November.
New header :) Couldn't resist the photo shoot - NOT AT ALL :D
I'm back home and all of my four flights on Tuesday and Wednesday were perfectly on time. That's a record for me :)