New year

Dec 29, 2011 10:02

I have never been one to hold to resolutions because I hate the feeling of failure and I almost never remember that I am have them do by the end of the year I am very bummed I never achieve them. I am gonna try it this year tho. I not going to be too ambitious , there will be no life altering resolutions that destroy lives if not achieved. Just simple things I am going to strive for that would be nice if they were accomplished..
1. Save more money: I want to pad my savings account so I am not so stressed about it.
2. Be nice to me: Brendan is always telling me I am beautiful, time to try and see what he sees.
3. Come up with a game plan: everytime someone asked me "so what's up with you?" my answer this year was "nothing".. And it was true. I think it's time to get a hobby or figure out a way to go to school/ what I wanna be when I grow up.
4. Exercise: the two years leading up to the wedding I was a working out every day, since it's been sporadic. Use the gym membership or toss it...maybe just go for a walk or go swimming everyday.
5. Be nicer: really no explaination needed here I can be kinda mean.

There 5 thoughts or resolutions for this coming year. Now I will print out this list and hang it up where I can see it and work towards it :), this is what i am using to help on this endeavor:

Happy new year everyone!

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