On one of my Doctor Who LiveJournals people are apparently getting stroppy from the heat. At least that's what I thought until they started referring to something that had escaped my attention on first go round.
They're staring at David Tennant's crotch. In the name of better fanfic apparantly (like they need an excuse).
Department of Trouser Research
http://community.livejournal.com/time_and_chips/1709360.html My personal favorite part was when the gal from the BBC wardrobe department got involved. And was suitably horrified.
And on a related front, one of my pen listserves has been talking about manbags to carry pens in.
Here's our winner.
http://www.schmitthenner.com/images/SCH0021.jpg And just when I thought things couldn't get much weirder,
Jayme Lynn Blaschke mentioned my mead on his blog