Raid the Bacardi....(is that spelled wrong? I think so)

Jun 02, 2004 00:32

HEEEEELLLLLLL-O-. hey Hello kind of sounds like Jell-o-. lol..Awesome...for some reason that just made me laugh Really hard...then I started Coughing and now I'm down to ONE lung..that is right..ONE! YES I'm a Winner.

So I'm sitting here..talking to MESHA and listening to da radio...b/c well I can't sleep. I was thinking about raiding the Bacrdi...OK fine U caught me I already have. So I should be sleeping well tonight. I couldn't find the PM's so..this shall HAVE ta do.

STUPID Ashley Simpson..I spit on this song *spits*. We already have been burdened (sp) by one simpson..why Tourture (sp) us with another! I'll tell ya what I want....what..I really...really..want..(lol no pun intended) I want Da bird song. Bri knows what i'm talking bout..the Cootchie hootie whatever YEA!

Why are you running the song that is on right makes me wanna say "why are you running away get you pansy ass back here and take it like a man".....OMG! Yes I know..I'm Dumb..Maybe its lack of sleep..or you know...wudeva.

Maybe I should just read my book till I can't keep my eyes open anymore..for some reason that book has sucked me in. I recommened everyone's it called..Oh yea Poisen (sp..I know shut up I went to North!) Bible.

" I know you'd like to think that YOUR shit don't stink...but roses really smell like Poo-pooooooooo!" Who thinks of these songs?

"Imma make a bird song..but make it sound like owls....Hoooo-Hoooo'z yo momma. Hooooo-Hoooo she be. Hoootie Hoooo i'm a owl." Thats My bird Song.

Ok i'm Out. enjoy this. FLOWERS!
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