R is for Remember

Dec 10, 2010 17:09

Title: R is for Remember
Characters: Ryan, Nick, Helen
Pairings: Sarah/Ryan implied
Rating: G
A/N: What if Ryan was watching the events at the end of 1.06 from the top of the hill they made camp next to? It'll make more sense if you read the story.  As usual thanks to the wonderful fredbassett and fififolle for being my amazing beta readers.

It had been a long time coming but Helen Cutter had finally turned up, trying to gain access to the ARC to recover the artefact. However this time the security measures Becker had put in place detected her the second she had set foot on the premises and she was forced to run.

Ryan had chased her down an alleyway and but when he got to the end only an anomaly was waiting for him.  Not willing to let her go that easily, he took a risk and went through the anomaly without waiting for back up.  He looked around and something about this time seemed familiar to him.  A flock of flying dinosaurs that looked just like Rex flew by and Ryan’s chest tightened in shock.

‘The Permian, I’m back in the Permian,’  he realised. The last time he’d been here he had almost died. Ryan glanced behind him at the shining anomaly considering whether he should go back. He raised his gun instinctively when he heard indistinct voices and the sounds of things being banged into the ground.  Against his better judgement he followed the sounds, and as he got closer he heard Helen’s voice.

“Hey Nick, come here.”

'Did she just say Nick?' Ryan wondered if Helen had made another clone as he crouched low and looked over the crest of the hill.  The sight almost made him sick.

He was looking down at the camp they had made when they had gone through the anomaly to return the Future Predator’s babies back to their own time.  He kept himself out of sight as he watched his past self order the other members of his team to keep a watch for any dinosaurs.

‘Now’s my chance,’ he realised.  ‘If I kill the Future Predator before it kills anyone else, maybe things will go back to normal.’   The Future Predator’s babies started screeching.

Ryan knew their mother would be showing up soon and as he waited another thought raced through his head. ’What happens if I change things here? What kind of world would I go back to?’  Ryan had been lucky, his family and the major events in his life had remained the same in this new world, the only drastic thing that had changed was meeting Sarah again.  Returning things back to normal might put the chances of them meeting again in doubt.

Ryan raised his gun in anticipation as he watched the past version of Cutter running up to the version of himself yelling something about making their own past.  Ryan put his finger on the trigger, but hesitated.

’Things are just getting back on track with Sarah, am I really ready to lose her again?’

After Stephen had died he had asked Cutter whether, if they managed to find an anomaly that would take them back to this point and stop the Future Predator, things would return to normal.

Cutter had shrugged and said, “Evolution can’t be controlled, you could end up erasing someone else from the future, maybe yourself.”

Ryan considered Cutter’s words and lowered his gun.

He watched impassively as the Future Predator appeared and took out one of his men before anyone could react.  The second followed soon after.  His past self ran down the hill firing his gun and Ryan  couldn’t help feeling light headed as the future predator jumped on the past version of himself clawing at his chest. The scars he would get from the attack seemed to sting in response.

Cutter ran to the side of Ryan’s past version of himself and tried to stem the flow of his blood as a Gorgonospid appeared.  Ryan watched as both the Future Predator and the Gorgonospid fought. They seemed evenly matched until the Gorgonospid flipped over on its back crushing the Future Predator beneath it.

“Leave him,” Ryan heard Helen Cutter say, looking over at Nick who was checking the past version of Ryan for a pulse.

“He’s still alive,” Nick said.

“Barely, he’ll probably die of his wounds anyway.”

“Get me the first aid kit, if I can slow down the blood loss there’s a chance he’ll survive,” Nick snapped.

“You’re not a doctor.”

“Either help or leave.”

Helen looked away and Ryan knew she was considering leaving both Nick and his past self there.  Instead she went to the camp and got what Nick asked for.

“Grab the canvas off that tent, would you? I’ll be able to drag him back to the anomaly on that.”

It was like an out of body experience for Ryan watching Cutter patch him up.  Helen helped Cutter to lift the past version of himself on to the canvas.   As Cutter began to drag Ryan’s body back to the anomaly Helen joined him saying something but keeping her voice low, and Ryan couldn’t make out exactly what it was.

Ryan waited for about half an hour before he slid down the hill to the camp.  Walking over to the container which contained the future predator babies he saw two of them crawling away.  He considered shooting them both but Cutter’s warning still ran through his mind.  Shouldering his gun, Ryan went back to the campsite, picked up some tools and started to dig graves for his two fallen colleagues.


The version of Helen that Ryan had chased through the anomaly holstered her gun as she had been watching him from a safe vantage point a little further away, ready to kill him if he had tried to intervene.  Ryan turned around and walked back to the anomaly that had brought him here.

’And he’ll never know how close he came to dying in the Permian for the second time,’  she thought to herself as she slipped away.

primeval, sarah/ryan

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