Loved ]
- i was in SUCH a rush the last half hour to get dressed up. my gawsh... putting on eyeliner is, like, the hardest thing i`ll ever do... my dad had my camera, so i couldn`t bring it. whoopee. -______-''
- amanda♥ came & picked me up, & we were all excited & girly-like on the ride to leah`s for pictures. haha.
- we got to leah`s, & OMG. all the girls there (so far) WERE ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS♥ ahhhh i was SO nervous... the guys gradually came, & then rashad did. :) we took pictures & stuff. yupp. his parents were there, & i`m praying that i left a good impression. o_______o HALEY. MY GAWD. YOU LOOKED GORGEOUS (as usual -_______-). hahaha i nearly made a joke about kyle... until i realized he was standing there, & haley doubled over laughing...
- chris` dad took chris (obviously), amanda, me, & rashad to chilis. i was rather quiet, `cause i was, yeah, nervous & stuff. lol. i occassionally had an input or two, though. then there was this one part where almost all the girls made a trip to the restroom, & we stayed in there for 15 minutes or so, discussing the sticky 'bra' thing inside strapless dresses, having faith in boobs (don`t ask), & shradha talking to herself in the toilet stall, & a lot more. hahahaha. hilariousness. shradha was SO hyper with her... uhhh... "cup accident". she was basically CHOMPING on the straw, spoon, & fork. o_______o & i DEMAND that amanda never get sprite again. i`m serious. ;)
- chris` dad came & got chris, amanda, rashad, & me to go to creek... this is when i was FREAKING OUT & butterflies were, like... my gawd. taking over & crap. haha. when we got there, chris couldn`t find his ticket, & he ended up finding it in his jacket pocket. -________-'' but umm rashad helped me out of the car, & when we got out, our fingers still lingered five seconds longer than they were supposed to... ♥
- alright. so the four of us got there, & the trees were covered with lights. it was really pretty. :) & inside, it was dim, & there were lights hanging from the ceiling. eventually, rashad & i lost everyone, so we just went around, `til we DID find them. lol. rashad & i danced to, like, a salsa dance song, was it? hahaha... i dno. BUT IT WAS IN SPANISH. then the first slow dance song came on... :) we talked some. yeah... we were apart-ish, enough for him to be comfortable. lol.
- there were freak dancers. enough said. o________o
- then regular dance songs came on (ex. "pon de replay" & all that stuff). yeah. that was fun. =) someone spilled a water bottle or something, & it went EVERYWHERE. lol. i got my back legs wet. lol. REFRESHIN`. (*i stop dancing to some song like "soldier" or something to talk to someone*) "keep dancing!" - saam. o_______o WERE YOU WATCHING ME DANCE?!?!!?!?! rashad had a lotta 'favorites' ranging from "don`t cha" & "drop it like it`s hot" to "yeah". hahaha.
- eventually, anneka & rachel had to leave early. :(
- i finally rested my head on his shoulder, & he rested his head on mine once. :) he pulled me in closer a few times. ♥ & there were times he didn`t let go after a song, so i didn`t either. lol. & amanda pointed that out... o______o (stalker, yes? ;D)
- it was after "my boo"/"we belong together"/"you & me"/some other slow song, amanda pulled me aside & asked, "you guys looked cozy... you DO know rashad was closing his eyes, right?" i was like "........". she said, "he was when you guys were dancing... it looked like he was enjoying it." but i think it was `cause he was tired. lol. :D during the last several slow dances, he moved like reallllly slow... lol. but i was comfortable & close. :) there was no possible way for me to be cold...
- i was SOOOOOOO sad when it was the last slow dance came on... :'( (there were eight slow songs or something... i just wish they were all twenty minutes or longer. HAHAHAHAHAHA)
- rashad went with me to pick up my purse from the drop-off thingy. yeah. the line was EXTREMELY packed & longgggg... so we just stood there & held each other. hahaha. yay. & i rested my head on his shoulder, `cause i was tired... =p & then i found danny, & he came up to us, & three of us talked about random things. lol. then rashad`s phone went off, so he went somewhere else to talk, & danny followed him, so yeah. i was left alone to wait for my stupid purse. but then a minute later, someone elbowed me softly, & of course it was rashad... with my purse stuffed in his jacket. lol.
- amanda & i went to sit down, `cause OMfreakin`G. MY FEET HURT LIKE HELL. i had freakin` MARKS. but that`s okay. it was all worth it. =) then danny, rashad, & chris (i think he went with them?) came back from getting danny`s garter from that drop-off thing. so then we left, `cause chris` dad was gna take us home...
- we were kinda close in the car... but i didn`t mind... ;x
- i was the first to be dropped off. rashad walked me to the door... :) & we hugged & said goodbye. ah, that`s when i felt REALLY sad & depressed, `cause on monday, things will be back like they always were... nothing would change. =\
but overall, i couldn`t have asked for a more perfect night. ♥