Giggly ]
Excited ]
Loved ]
i chose three, `cause i can. (:
ahhhh... today was awesome. :D♥
#morning: i got hugs & a mum (IT`S SO PRETTY. i`d take a pic, but i dno where my camera is) from rashiiiiii. :D (amanda & danielle were at the corner of the table giggling & 'awww'-ing. lol...)
#theater: andrea & i had to make some minor adjustments to the dance, `cause the freakishly big umbrellas seriously would kill somebody if you tried.
#english: jackson is such a loser. lol. "we`re friends now, right?!" - jackson. hahaha... only anneka would know what this means. haha... catherine was absent. ):
#geometry: dude. i love the new stuff we`re learning. I ACTUALLY GET IT. i wonder if i have... ummm... "competition" with rebecca thayer... (especially the way shradha put it...)
#advisory: ms divin asked who i was going to homecoming with, `cause rachel & i were the only ones left in the class when the bell for lunch rang. (rachel was helping me put on my mum. lol.) & she was like, "ohhh... i have rashad. he`s in my sixth period." lol. i thought he had mouton...
#lunch: i can`t walk properly without having the mum chains between my legs. o________o MEGOOO! you should bring byron! :)
#biology: notes.
#PE: fitness centerrrr. i`m gna try to cut down a buncha fat before saturday...
#spanish: quiz. & then stuff.
i`m SO excited for the homecoming dance, but i`m just not gna show it. it never turns out right when i`m excited. so... i`m just gna lay low for a while... "why aren`t you excited?! even I`M excited, & i don`t have a date!" - rachel. BUT I AM EXCITED! ♥ :D
GUESS WHATTTTT... i can run from my house to the bus stop without stopping. hahahaha. (the bus stop is a three- to five-minute walk from my house. -______-'') i mean... i`m not super obese. but i`m a little skinnier than average & just not athletic, so yeah. it was an accomplishment. :D
i finally realized yesterday that no other type of music beats POWERPOP. ♥
you have
the click five.
& a lot more.
it`s loooooooooove. ♥
blasting powerpop is definitely my favorite way to vent♥
omg. this is my new desktop wallpaper. i♥it. it`s officially one of my favorite pictures. :)♥
my gawd. JOEY♥ you freakin` hawt SEXY... guy.
benny boy has more enthusiasm than that. i know it. i`ve seen it.
eric. hahaha. whatta nerd.
joey, ben, ethan, eric, & joe = THE CLICK FIVE♥
anyway... it`s time for me to rock it.. i put balogna in my left pocket...
♥TI :)
EDiT: ahhh... the music video for "mixtape" near the middle of
this page made me cry. IT`S SO SAD!!! *sigh* i`m such a sucker for romance...