Hoodland: artwork and short love letter fic

Feb 25, 2011 23:07

We'd better start with Prince John, or else...

I cheated a bit on the Latin, but in essentials it says: "You (to) love me?" Since PJ thinks he's 'the ONE sovereign' and values himself so highly, one whole, gold sovereign seemed fitting. ;-P

Love Letter

Title: Love Letter in the Sand
Word count: 326
Spoilers: 2x13
Rating: PG
Challenge: write a love letter from one RHBBC character to another. For some reason, I went rather angsty. I guess that to me, love letters are often written during a need to get something said, preferably with quite a bit of desperation. That, and the fact that I rewatched The English Patient during Christmas and was once again struck by some similarities in the love triangle there compared to the love triangle in RHBBC. Tragic crime of passion in the desert...

Dearest Guy,

I scribble this in haste. Vaizey was here a moment ago and it was horrible, will be horrible. He has a plan, he is not being honest with you. Robin is alive, but perhaps not for long. Vaizey will be back soon, and I pray with all my heart that you will be with him. I was distraught to see you leave from my cellar window today. Where did he send you? Please, when you find this: be careful! Save me! Think, Guy! This is our last chance! OUR chance!

All I said last night is true. I have lied to you and everyone dear to me. I have taken the liberty to reserve my decision for so long. I have fought for my freedom just as hard as I have fought for England. I still do: my heart is mine. But there is a part of me that loves the part of you that will see reason and be a good man. I love the man in you who will shy away from this awful deed. Last night, I promised to marry that man and my promise stands. I mean it with all my heart.

I need to tell you this, my heart is full of it. The desert probably works its magic, did you feel it when you were here before? (I forgive you for that time, Guy, I already have. You were never meant to kill the king. It is all about choices. In the end, everything is.) This place is both heaven and hell, all that love should be. Let it be stronger than death, mightier than the sea we will sail to get home again. We will leave this madness behind, remember what forged us together for an eternity and have a life together.

Vaizey is returning, I must hide this letter. I will marry the man who does the right thing and love him for the rest of my life.

Yours forever,


Big 'WANTED' poster

Challenge: make a wanted poster. I happened to rewatch RHBBC 3x07, Too Hot to Handle when inspiration struck. The ep's focus is on the lack of water because of PJ, Guy wanting to be sheriff and Isabella being dumped by Robin, ending up on PJ's side again. Parchment look on medieval wall, some crackiness containing brotherly bitterness, Isabella's triumph, winks to the episode and seal with the Nottingham arms. Got an honourable mention. :-)

As a LOL on the side: there are several RHBBC RP gangs on Twitter. One of the Marians has right now an icon that I made, a G/M/A one (and I just want to say that I really like it, if the person playing happens to see this! :-D ) As a result, I decided it was time I follow "her" and her Sir Guy counterpart. Soon enough, Sir Guy followed me. Ooohhh, stalked by Sir Guy! Me like! He seems to like The Vicar of Dibley too, hmmm. ;-) (Followed another Sir Guy on Twitter before, who also followed me for a while, LOL! Nice to have a few around.)

hoodland, fic, robin hood bbc, fic: loveletter, artwork, social networking, guy, guyxmarian

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