All I want is a good header pic and working CSS

Sep 20, 2009 23:25

Is that so much to ask???

Downloaded a stylesheet. WTF happened??? NOT what was supposed to happen, let me tell you! And then I still know a little about CSS and HTML. Had spent hours on LJ boards finding a good script and making a header pic that I was rrrreeeeeaaaaallyyyyy pleased with! But, no - alas! 'Twas not to be! :-( *curses*

The thing is, I want the sidebar I have here. And the Smooth Sailing layout is often used of LJ CSS, I noticed. I want tags, a seach window - I want it all! Plus, I want a slimmer LJ with a fancy header...

I've updated to paid account, done my chores, been a stupidly good girl. Can't you just give me this thing??? Guess I feel a little better after having customised this version. But still...

And, oh! It's Monday tomorrow!! *squuueeee of horror*

work, rant

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