Fic: First Sight, a Guy fic

Feb 22, 2010 00:10

Title: First sight
Author: Thymelady
Rating: PG-13, mentions violence.
Characters: The Gisbornes, the Locksleys and the Fitzwalters.
Words: 301
Genre: Humour/Kid-fic
Spoilers: Probably S2 and S3. But if you haven't seen it, you're not going to get what this is about.
Summary: Guy as a kid, getting a first sight of some new kids.
Disclaimer: Robin Hood 2006 belongs to BBC and Tiger Aspect. I owe nothing, no money being made, no copyright infringement intended.
A/N: I do not for a moment believe that Guy was a born killer. A special thanks to shinysparks, who beta'd this! ♥ I dedicate this to her, partly because it's her birthday today and partly because if anything of this makes you laugh, it's thanks to her inspiring crackiness.

First sight

Guy was five year’s old and the Locksley’s had a baby. It was red, ugly and bawling, but everyone fawned over the brat. When the grown-ups looked away, Guy tried to find out if his pillow was larger than baby Robin’s head. The grown-up screamed and Guy’s backside hurt for days.

Guy was eight year’s old and his parents were delighted because of his baby sister. She was red, ugly and bawling, but mother and father fawned over her. Father was going to leave in a few days and Guy wanted him to be home, even if it meant another ugly baby. But they still did not appreciate his effort to compare his pillow to baby Isabella’s head and Guy’s backside hurt long after his father had left for the Crusade again.

Guy was eleven year’s old when the Fitzwalter’s had a baby. Guy stood far back, being sulky and brooding while all the parents, bratty Robin and bothersome Isabella looked down on the baby girl in awe. They were all crooning, save Robin who tried to steal the show as usual. He started to tease Isabella and then chased her out of the room, making the upset grown-ups follow to calm them down.

Guy was alone with the baby and he walked over to the crib. He had no pillow, but his hands were capable if the baby started to bawl. Guy hated bawling babies, but this one slept peacefully. She was not red and ugly, but all plump and rosy.

Baby Marian opened her eyes and saw Guy. She instantly smiled and made a gurgling, happy noise. Guy found he enjoyed that very much; her dimples and round, blue eyes made her a beautiful baby.

“I like you,” he said and smiled back. “I’ll never try to kill you.”


fic: first sight, author: thymelady, fic, guy, robin hood bbc

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