Miss Pretty

May 15, 2008 23:10

I posted way back at the end of February about taking Miss Pretty, the cat who lives in the bookstore I work in to be spayed. She's about 10 years old and I was a little bit worried about how she would do.

Well, she did wonderfully. I dropped her off on the Thursday morning and picked her up the following Friday morning. She was still stoned out of her fuzzy little head but relieved to be back in familiar surroundings. As soon as I let her out of the travel crate she went straight for the food dish. Typical. She wandered around looking lost for about an hour or so before finally falling asleep in her chair.
I had made sure to pick her up a couple of hours before the store opened to give her time to settle down.

When I picked her up, I was told that they had also pulled 6 rotten teeth. Poor baby has 2 teeth left but by Friday afternoon I could tell that her mouth felt better than it had in years. She gets mainly wet food but can mange her crunchy teats without any problems whatsoever.
The owner is fantastic with cats but has a bit of a blind spot when it comes to kitty dental care. He honestly didn't think there was anything wrong with her teeth. *long suffering sigh*

Pretty seems to be enjoying her retirement. She's spoiled by all the customers (and staff!), she no longer wanders off overnight and I got to keep my promise to her that my Jax would be her last kitten.

The only complaint my boss has is that Pretty seems to have gotten lazy, she's no longer out wandering the neighbourhood and bringing home strange tomcats. *headesk*

No more naked belly...

A very contented kitty...


I want her job in my next life!

It's such a tough life.


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