Jul 07, 2009 16:46
It's been going good with my goal to avoid any spoilers about CoE until it airs here on the 20th. Today was easier than yesterday, twitter was full of anxious posts and then the web got quiet around 1 pm my time, and I resisted looking in the Torchwood UK thread at TWOP. On one hand, I'm missing out on new pictures to play with, but on the other, after CoE airs it's going to be next year until we see any new episodes and we'll all be playing with the same pictures. The ratings were good for Day One, I hear, so hopefully there will be a season 4. Until then I'll be getting my Janto fix with fic.
In other news, fried rice tonight! I've got edamame, some chicken thighs defrosting, and the rice has been chilling since yesterday. Been thinking about it all day. Yum!