Feb 11, 2009 01:46
Okay, so my Mom met a potential boyfriend for me at work. I really have no interest in relationships right now, but to make her happy, I agreed to see him.
So, I arranged to meet him at a public place, and settled on a nearby 7-11. I brought a knife with me just in case, so I felt pretty safe plus I had a Cell phone handy. We ended up going by his friend's house and hanging out there for awhile.
All the while, I felt like an idiot. He's European, so he talked in a different language amonst his friends, which didn't bother me, but I did feel out of place. I didn't know what to say. I just sat there on the couch, wondering "Okay...waht now? Do I...say something?" I probably made myself out to be a total idiot, which is what seems to happen whenever I'm around people.
One of his friend's did have Photoshop though, and does some great work on it, so we ended up talking about that. I also told him about my Art school plans and show him some of me work as well.
I honestly don't think it went well, but whatever. It's not like I was looking in the first place.
making an idiot out of myself,
potential mate,
personal log