Oct 22, 2005 20:19
Oh yea, by the way, did I forget to mention me getting pulled over at 1:30 in the morning last night?.
I was being a jerk and doing 60 down middle country road at 1:30 am. I was just asking to be pulled over. I was driving and he put the lights on and I just said 'fuck' and pulled over. I was surprisingly not that scared, maybe b/c i was more afraid of getting home too late, or that I was reeeeeally tired, or maybe i just knew i was being stupid for driving so fast. He thankfully was nice.
"hey, you know you were going 60 in a 40?"
"yea. I'm sorry"
"late getting home?"
"alright, just slow it down"
no ticket. thank god.
yea, so that was interesting...