20 icons for theiconquest + 5 extra

Aug 02, 2012 20:49

This is my entry for the 2nd main quest challenge at theiconquest and I'm doing the 'hard' level, meaning that I took inspiration from specific makers that inspire me.

Sons of Anarchy x5
Buffy x5
Farscape x5
Legend of the Seeker x5
Supernatural x5

Inspired by sayuri_xjohn_scorpy, nebari_rebel, longerthanwedo, deny1984

sayuri_x (Sons of Anarchy, Hero)


john_scorpy (Buffy, the vampire slayer, Wizard)



nebari_rebel (Farscape, Rogue)


longerthanwedo (Legend of the seeker, Bard x2, Rogue, Wizard)


deny1984 (Supernatural, Hero)



icons: legend of the seeker, icons: sons of anarchy, icons: supernatural, icons: farscape, icons: buffy, icons

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