
Jun 10, 2012 17:29

Old ship meme I found, I somehow got into memes now :D

Six Ships I Love:

1. Sam/Dean
2. Dean/Castiel
3. Chibs/Juice
4. Merlin/Arthur
5. John/Scropius
6. Braca/Scropius

Three Ships I Liked, But Don't Anymore:

7. Angel/Buffy
8. Lee/Sam
9. Draco/Harry

Three Ships I Don't Like:

10. Sarah/Michael
11. Uhura/Spock
12. Anakin/Padme

Two Ships I Am Curious About, But Don't Actually Ship:

13. Penny/Leonard
14. Chiana/Jool

1) Why do you dislike #11 so much?
It didn't fit Spock's character at all :/

2) Who is someone you know that ships #13?
I haven't really followed TBBT discussions so idk

3) What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3 (even if the show isn't on the air anymore)?
They'd become a couple :D

4) Which is your favorite episode for #1? Try to pick just one.
So many of them that I can't pick just one... it's more like them having small scenes here and there than a few really slashy eps?

5) How long have you been following couple #6?
I think for maybe two years

6) What's the story with #7? What made you stop liking them/caring?
I grew more twisted :D

7) Which ship do you prefer, #2 or #4?
Oh no, I love them both! If I have to choose, I guess Merlin/Arthur.

8) You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from #10 or #12.
They were both annoying but Anakin/Padme

9) What interests you about #14?
I love their chemistry despite the character differences, and their story line is lovely, how they grow to like each other

10) When did you stop liking #9?
It's been so long. Maybe sometime around 2-3 years ago?

11) Did your waning interest in #7 kill your interest in the show?
I liked it when I watched the show so no, I just got bored afterwards!

12) What's a song that reminds you of #5?
john_scorpy made this fanvid to a song called My Sweet Enemy by Kwan, I think it fit nicely :)

13) Which of these ships do you love the most, #1 or #6?
I love them both but Sam/Dean

14) Which do you dislike the most, #10 or #11? Uhura/Spock

15) If you could have any of these two pairings double date, who would it be?
Sam/Dean and Dean/Castiel would make a nice threesome :)

16) Have #2 kissed yet? Elaborate if you'd like.
Of course they have!

17) Did #4 have a happy ending? If the show hasn't ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely?
I don't think they'll get each other :( damn guinevere

18) What would make you start shipping #13?
idk, it's a bit hard for me to serisously ship sitcom characters...

19) If only one could happen, which would you prefer - #2 #6?
Dean/Castiel (though I think Braca/Scorpy already kind of is there ;D)


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