Jul 28, 2005 11:48
Dear Senator McCain,
First, I would like to thank you for both your service to our country and to our state of Arizona. I am writing you today concerning the possible appointment of U.S. Circuit Judge John Roberts Jr. to the Supreme Court of the United States. In my opinion, this judge will not serve America’s best interests. Our country is one of acceptance and represents to the world an amalgamation of what a society could be. I do not believe this judge will be able to shepherd The United States into a new century of understanding and coming together of all of this country’s peoples. It seems that he does not have the open mind required of person who will sit as one the most high judges of this great nation. He does not seem hold the values of acceptance in his heart or his previous judiciary decisions. I truly feel that he is wrong for this job. I may be only 21 years old, but it is clear to me that as my generation “grows up” this is not the man we need to have making life long commitments for this country. Please take this into consideration when you are casting your vote. My generation is the one that will have to live with this man’s opinions. With him acting as a Supreme Court justice, I do not feel he will be able to take into consideration our changing societal structure. If this country is truly meant to be one of diversity, he is not the man to do the job. Thank you for your time, and I sincerely hope you run for president in the 2008 elections. You have the mind and the awareness to show the world how great this country can be.
Thank you,
Mathias V Turtz