I have exactly a week before I depart and the universe decides to plonk everything on me on this week with admin matters. But I am not complaining though. As strange as it sounds, I am actually thankful that I have the opportunity to actually be frantically filling up those forms, calling people and sitting atop my luggage and trying to see if it is able to be closed. Despite all the hustle, it was lovely to be able to celebrate CNY in sg before I fly off. Most of my friends aren't able to celebrate CNY in sg with their loved ones and I guess that knowledge makes this reunion with my family a little more special. Although this year was by far the quietest new year (for me I feel), there was still much fanfare going on in granny's with my favorite Charcoal steamboat and of course, the company of my cousins and relatives. Not to mention how Jenessa is starting hold a conversation with me (the things she says make my heart melt into a puddle and my tummy ache from her random observations). Plus, Rayden is starting to master the art of walking by tottering around the house. His expression whenever he walks is akin to him finding some secret elixir in life I tell you. Those two kids really know how to entwine themselves in my heart. Going to miss them and their antics so much for these 4 months!!!
And of course I'll miss my family and certain people all the more. I think Alden is secretly valuing my existence more these days, judging from the way he is treating me these days (not complaining) HAHA. All I need now is Hermione's bag to make my packing complete. No luggage seems big enough to squeeze I want to bring over for now #packingwoes