Nov 17, 2009 21:46
I've come to realize that Bry is an extremely good friend. She will go out of her way and make sure we hang out every other day just because she likes my company. Most of my friendships are like 'eh whatever I'll see you when I see you I guess" but she puts in a lot of effort and I really appreciate it. I haven't had many friendships like that. And my best friends and I talk constantly so we don't really have to worry about planning stuff out because we know we'll see each other.
Bry also drives me home and takes me to Walmart with Vic's car and I may visit her in NY over winter break (if I have the balls to face the cold).
I dunno this is just really different and I didn't notice it until today. When I first met her I thought 'oh great another bitchy sorority girl like Hayley' but she actually has a really goofy personality. I can totally be myself in front of her. I like it.