Haven't updated in forever

Nov 04, 2004 03:42

I spent the past few weekends in Ohio trying to mobilize democratic voters. I've been spit on, had food thrown at me, and been told to go fuck myself more than once. When Kerry lost because of Ohio I wept. I didn't fall asleep until 1pm and spent the better part of the night vomitting. I put so much into this election- all for nothing. I'm truly hurt. And with an electorate that's moving south, things are looking grim. Roe vs. Wade will be overturned within the next few years, the patriot act will be made permanent in its current state, there will be a pending ban on stem cell research, and they'll push for a nation-wide ammendment banning gay marraige. I am so hurt at this point.

Bush got elected on the basis of "Christian values", the man doesn't attend or belong to a church. (He said he was Apiscopalian in 2000, and decided he was Methodist when his advisors told him he'd have more of a political base there.)

Okay, what I'm about to say is speaking to a fusing of midwestern Christianity and Republicanism, not mocking Republicans. So responses like, "4 more years," may result in an ass beating courtesy of me. Thank you.


On November 2nd I witnessed the end of reason. Exit polls show that over 55% of those that voted for Bush did so on the basis of moral or Christian values. Issues directly related to voters (economy, terrorism, Iraq, etc.) were set aside; The masses were more concerned with an insurgence of the less common sexual orientation, a forwarding of science at the expense of bodily fluids, and taking away a woman's right to choose.

The #1 issue relating to Christian values - Gay Marraige

Every Sunday of my early life I was taught benevolence and peace, two Christian values that clearly outweigh purity. And yet purity has become the single most important issue in this election - Christian Values of purity. It's quite the paradox - When the pharisees said Jesus' disciples were impure because they ate with dirty hands, Jesus responded by telling them that a man who focuses too much on purity and not enough on love and kindness will witness the apocalypse... How appropriate.
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