I forced many people to watch the vid not in progress and say only encouraging things to me, and they delivered admirably. I am encouraged! The vid is in progress once again.
I did not accidentally sleep through panel slots this year! I have started transferring my notes from pen to pixels and have some hope of actually posting panel reports. I have panel ideas, even, but I will probably talk myself out of them by next year.
Maybe next year I will actually make it to a room party.
I really liked the Femslash vid show! The premieres were very good, it introduced me to a lot of shows I'll have to look up, and it had a mix of diverse vidding styles, instead of just the usual Vividcon/DW/LJ aesthetics. I'm always thrilled when vid shows introduce me to vidders whose work I haven't seen before.
The travel French press mug worked great. I'm definitely doing that again next year. Note: The water at the breakfast buffet isn't hot enough; boil it in the coffee maker in the room.
Possibly next year I should skip the Club Vivid wristband and just drink one of the bottles of cider I buy and too often leave untouched in the refrigerator.
And then laurashapiro and I discovered we were both planning to make Orphan Black vids to the same song.
Favorite new-to-me vids:
kiki_miserychic, I Do Adore (Adventure Time) ♥ ♥ ♥ Princess Bubblegum+Marceline the Scream Queen 4EVA!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
rhoboat, Losing My Religion (The Hunger Games) This works beautifully with the audio to create an expectation of build that feels all the more tense when it doesn't happen. There's been a lot of discussion of whether the source is exploitative in its use of violence in the way it is trying to critique (I actually think it does a good job); this is a brilliant example of showing the devastating effects of violence without giving into the adrenaline rush.
Kitty, Lights and Thunder (Thor) I love the energy and the hopefulness of this. (I think this may be the smilingest MCU vid I've seen.)