All the Avengers, all the time

May 13, 2012 07:20


Before I saw the movie, I was a little sad because I figured it would do all the work of creating the team bonding and also the Steve/Tony friendship*, as this is especially relevant to my interests, and then there would be fewer fic versions. So, although I would have loved to see more Joss doing character interactions, in a weird way I am really excited that there is still room for fandom to play in that particular area.


* I know, the movie has launched Tony/Bruce in a big way. But I have faith some fans will continue to fulfill my Steve/Tony needs. If people can get Steve/Tony out of Ultimates**, the movie should be a cakewalk.

** Ultimates wants you to ship Tony/Thor. Like, A LOT. I haven't seen anyone take up the invitation, though.

These are gen (sometimes with mention of canonical romances) unless otherwise noted.


BlackEyedGirl, Fifteen Short Stories About Teamwork
A thousand more stories like this, please.

Kayim, Contingency
Bruce starts to trust the team

jennathorn, Improvise
The Avengers at the state fair. Written before the movie came out, so characterization may diverge slightly.

signe, Tex-Mex, Lies, and Facebook
Recovery after the movie

katemonkey, Knit 1, Purl 2, Save the World (Again)
The Avengers Tower Stitch & Bitch Club. This rec is dedicated to

quigonejinn, Love is for children. (Natasha Romanov/Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov/Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanov/Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers)
This is not a team fic and it is not shiny and in fact it is extremely disturbing in more ways than I can count. The author warns for graphic violence, but there's a sex scene there that squicks me way more than any of violence. Quigonejinn's work tends to be cold and clear-eyed and ruthless, much more ruthless in following implications to their logical conclusion than either the movies or comics have ever been. I have ended up bailing out of half her stories partway through because I just couldn't take them -- not because of gruesomeness or explicitness, I've read much worse in both ways, but because the emotional violence was too much for me to bear. Take that as your warning.

This incorporates the Winter Soldier storyline into the movieverse: how Natasha was recruited into the Red Room, and what she left behind.

nel_ani, My Body Is A Cage
Made with the earlier movies and teaser footage before the movie came out, this compares the journeys of Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, and Wolverine. It is amazingly reminiscent of that lab scene on the Helicopter that I am not going to describe more precisely because spoilery. The Wolverine inclusion doesn't quite work for me thematically, maybe because he doesn't choose his "body"/prosthetics/powers/skills the same way the others do -- Tony and Bruce don't choose their injuries/conditions, but those injuries are linked very closely to the work they did choose.

Or I could just be stuck on the different movieverses. Anyway! Really amazing visual parallels. I especially love all the circles in the beginning.

greensilver &
sisabet, Glad You Came

genusshrike, In the Bullpen
Natasha is better than you.

greensilver, Sorrow (Captain America)
Oh, Steve.

Dreamwidth: post ,

avengers, recs: fic, captain america, recs: vids

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