gwyn_r just released an adorable Veronica/Weevil vid,
27 Jennifers (Veronica Mars), which makes a fun use of wipe transitions and square and rectangular frames and an awesothuvia dischanted-highschool-boy song. I didn't go to the Veronica Mars lunch because I am still bitter, but VMars vids are like the show's good-parts version.
A couple of people at the con mentioned they hadn't seen or heard of Pushing Daisies before the con, and were wowed by the show's distinctive design and color sense. I haven't seen a whole lot of Pushing Daisies vids, which is probably good considering there are only nine episodes so far, but here are some worth checking out:
Le Menage (Ned/Chuck)
Angel with an Attitude (Chuck) and
Modern Love (Ned/Chuck)
Hmm. Anyone have Emerson or Olive vid recs? Emerson might be hard to do yet, but I feel like there's enough Olive footage.