Apr 29, 2012 20:41
So since the creation of my Facebook page, I've been sorely neglecting my LJ account. Which is really too bad, because I really do enjoy posting stuff here. I'm going to make a concerted effort to post on a more regular basis - even though for me, that seems to mean once every three years.
A LOT has happened in the last year - I transferred to the Eagle River station and am doing less private lands forestry and more public lands forestry (thank GODDESS!!!), got married, moved to Rhinelander, traded in my beloved Jetta for a Venza, and got a facelift. OK, OK, so the facelift thing isn't true, but I just noticed the other day how old I look compared to 5 years ago and thought about how I need a facelift. Too bad I didn't get married 5 years ago when I was reasonably hot and didn't look like the old hag I am today!
My only other news is that I've been riding the Comp Time Train this weekend and now am drinking my last Deschutes Twilight Summer Ale from a that I picked up last September outside Yellowstone. MMMMM.....orgasmically good.