Keepin' on truckin'

Nov 16, 2006 06:05

So, even though my computer has starting working on me, and I've been busy the past few days, and have finals starting tomorrow, I've managed to write a bit more.
At 30,649 words so far, and here is a little clip from the middle-ish.

They were met at the door by two more women dressed similarly to the first, who curtseyed and led them in. The arcades were present inside, as well, and the floors were colourful mosaics, the walls covered in murals and tapestries, and the wall sconces were dimly lit. They were conducted toward what seemed to be the centre of the home, and led to a pair of double doors, which opened for them as they approached. The room was wide open and airy, and very colourful, and in the centre of it all, surrounded by women, was Nate.

“Yo, Luc!” Nate said excitedly, standing and disengaging himself from his admirers. “Dude, I’ve been worried about you.”

“Yes,” Luc agreed dryly. “You appear very tired and anxious.”

Nate waved a hand. “Hey, don’t be a dick. Is Therese okay?” He asked, wringing his hands lightly in front of him.

“She’s fine,” Luc said, and noticed that the nervous gesture did not stop at his words.

“Look…” Nate looked around at his own gesture, first at the women, then at Alexis. “Who’s he?” He asked, a suspicious note in his voice.

“He’s Alexis,” Luc said, as if that explained everything. He was getting the impression that within Biarritz, it totally did. Alexis was watching them at a short distance with the look of one who was uncomfortable with others speaking in a foreign language. “He’s harmless. And French.”

Nate nodded wisely. “Oh…oh, okay. Luc. What the fuck happened back there?” Luc looked around now. No one seemed to be paying much attention to the conversation. “Yo, no one here speaks English. Believe me. Trying to get by on my two years of college Spanish is the only way I’ve managed to communicate at all.”

“Grazia’s working on getting us back,” Luc said quietly, still not comfortable with the idea of talking openly around so many people. “And it has to be quick. This guy…the Vicomte something or other has sent a letter to Versailles asking after us. And I don’t need to tell you what’ll happen when word reaches back that no one has ever heard of us.”

“You know,” Nate said, almost conversationally, “I think I’m really fine just staying here.”

Luc stared at him blankly.

“Look, I didn’t have nothing to do with your weird expedition,” Nate said defensively. I came along to take pictures. Well, ‘snot like that talent is coming in all that handy in this situation. When you guys figure out how we’re getting home, be sure to let me know. But until then, I’ll be very happy to stay right here.”

Luc continued to stare at him. Alexis made a small sound of annoyance, and came up to them. “Luc,” He said in French, “would you please hurry your friend along. Dinner will be before long at home, and besides, we are at war with these people. I feel much like a traitor just being on their soil.” Luc was reminded quickly of what a spaz Alexis was.

“What’s he sayin’?” Nate muttered, biting his lip ring. Alexis stared at it in something like horror. Luc could imagine Alexis’ opinion of the other man. The fabled Indian, only clearly Asian as well, with piercings in his lip, nose, eyebrow and all down both ears. The tattoos on his arms and chest were clearly visible in the loose, sheer shirt he wore, leaving unlaced.

“He’d like you to return with us,” Luc explained, sighing.

“No, I don’t think so,” Nate said hesitantly. “Look, at least I understand some of what they’re sayin’ here. ‘Sides, the ladies dig me, and Pena loves me. Dude sent out messages to all the towns within walking distance for me to find you guys. I’m getting more pussy here than I ever did at home, free food, free board…you ain’t dragging me over to France.”

Luc wasn’t sure how to respond to that little diatribe, so he left it untouched. “Okay…so we’re just supposed to deal with all the shite in France?”

“I said. I was just there for the pictures. Therese hasn’t even paid me yet. And I sure as hell didn’t sign up to go traipsing through time.” Nate crossed his arms over his chest.

Alexis sidled closer, speaking in a loud whisper. “What is going on? Why aren’t we leaving? ”

“We are,” Luc answered, taking Alexis’ elbow. In English, he said, “Grazia’s working on a way home. We’ll send word as soon as we find it. But it would be safer if we were all together.”

“Safer for who, exactly?” Nate countered. “You said yourself that it isn’t gonna be good when the letter comes from wherever. Anyway, why don’t you guys come down here? Pena wouldn’t care if you stuck it to the French.”

Luc had to consider it, at least. The closer it got to when the letter might arrive back, the more dangerous it could become. But he still had no idea how he could convince the Vicomte that they should all relocate south of the border. He supposed they could just make a run for it, but that seemed even more dangerous, and was like an admission of guilt. “Look, I’ll write you.”

“Hey,” Nate called. “Listen…don’t let Therese think I’m just…I mean, let her know…it ain’t like I wanna abandon her, or anything…”

Luc glanced at the other man in query. “Is there something I should know about you and my sister?”

Nate blushed furiously. “That ain’t what it’s about, dude. She’s just…she’s a good friend, and I don’t wanna see no one getting hurt, especially not her. But I’m not gonna go up there and risk my neck when we’d all be better off down here.”

“I’ll let her know,” Luc answered.

“What’s going on?” Alexis persisted. “You can’t just leave him here!” He looked over his shoulder frantically as Luc led them out.

“He wants to stay,” Luc explained. “And apparently, Señor Pena doesn’t mind.”

“But…but…” Alexis’ arms pin-wheeled frantically. “But what does it matter what he wants?”

Luc gave Alexis a sharp look. “I’ve told you more than once, I don’t believe in telling other people what to do. Besides, even if I wanted to, I couldn’t make Nate. He doesn’t have to answer to me. If I tried to give him an order, he’d probably just laugh in my face. Or punch me.” Alexis gasped and Luc had to sigh. “Don’t worry about it. He’ll be fine here.”

Alexis opened and closed his mouth a few times, but apparently he couldn’t think of anything to say. “You know,” Alexis said conversationally, when they were back in the carriage and on their way back to France. “Some might be suspicious of your friend.”

“Nate?” Luc bit out a little laugh. “I don’t know him all that well, but he seems like the sort who’s not very good at keeping a secret. Plus, he’s an artist. Not the sort to get involved in intrigue.”

Alexis didn’t persist, and the subject dropped. “So, he is not returning?” Alexis asked, toying with the hem of his jacket. He glanced at Luc out of the corner of his eye.

“When we return home, I am certain he will join us,” Luc murmured.

“Home…to America,” Alexis supplied. There was something odd in his voice. Luc looked at him questioningly, but Alexis was running the fringe on his jacket through his fingers, giving the action his utmost attention.

“Well, yes.” Luc didn’t understand half of his conversations with Alexis. He assumed it was because the man was a little slow, and more than a little self-centred, but a lot of the time, it felt like the two of them were having different conversations at the same time.

Alexis sat up straighter abruptly, and shook the fringe from his fingers, clasping his hands in his lap. “I…I really am baffled by you, Lord Laraway,” Alexis said, flustered. He leaned forward, confused annoyance written clearly on his face. “I mean, you don’t seem to care much for our country. You keep talking about going home. And earlier, when you were talking about your job, you were talking all about American peoples. It makes me really question what you’re even doing here?”

Luc smiled. Leave it to Alexis to take it as a personal insult if someone preferred one country over another. “It’s not like that,” he said reassuringly. “America is home to me, sure. That’s where all my friends and family, other than Therese, are. But France is the place of my birth, and even if it wasn’t, I could see its cultural value.”

Alexis frowned, twisting his hands together. Really, they were lovely hands, and something about them being in gloves made them seem particularly nice. Luc shook his head firmly and looked out the window again. “I suppose I will have to trust your opinion of America, since I have never been there,” Alexis allowed. “And I shall attempt to reserve my own opinion until I have seen it for myself.”

It was silly, Luc knew, to be pleased at those words. It wasn’t like they had any meaning to him. Whether or not Alexis ever made it to America was really irrelevant to Luc. He’d be long gone back to his own time before that happened. But still…that simple statement by Alexis seemed to indicate a change in his way of thinking, and that was exciting. Luc knew it wasn’t his mission in the past to change the way people thought about things, but if he managed to influence just one person, that was kinda cool.

When the reached the mansion, it was already dark. The clock in the entrance hall said it was after seven. Alexis said something about dinner being at eight-thirty, and they parted ways. Luc was feeling a little worn out, for no good reason, but instead of going to his room, he went to the one shared by Therese and Grazia instead.

Grazia let him in with a harried look, and Luc stopped short when he saw Therese and D’Arbingnon at a table, fighting over the laptop. “Er.” Was all Luc could manage.

“Luc!” Therese greeted, “what the hell did you think you were doing, going to the beach with that…dork?”

Luc looked pointedly at D’Arbingnon, who gave him a polite little wave. Therese took Luc’s moment of inattention to punch him hard on the arm. “I’m about to lose my mind here. While you were out traipsing with him, I was stuck here being Nichole’s new plaything…and helping Grazia.”

Grazia made a strangled noise. “You are not helping. Would you please leave this to Hilaire and myself!”

Luc mouthed ‘Hilaire?’ at Therese, who rolled her eyes and shook her head.

“I just don’t feel comfortable running around playing dress up while you people have my fate in your hands. I mean, what’s any better about him?” Therese demanded, gesturing at the Marquis. Luc gave him an apologetic look. “Because physics and time travel were, what, standard educational fare for French nobility in the seventeenth century?”

Grazia snapped, tossing the book she was reading down on the table in front of her. “He actually understands the concepts I talk about. And yeah, he might be a few hundred years behind us technology wise, but I think he’s light years ahead of you in a lot of other aspects.”

Therese narrowed her eyes, and looked ready for a comeback, but Luc grabbed her elbow and jerked hard. “So why don’t we go look for our own way to help,” Luc suggested quickly, and dragged his protesting sister from the room.

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