(no subject)

Dec 18, 2006 23:12

I did this last year as well. The ITALICS are my answers from this year. Normal text is two years ago, bold is last year. Enjoy!

01. What did you do in 2004 (now 2005) that you'd never done before? hm...i don't think i did anything new - a lot of stuff that I really don't want to share Uhm....nothing really. Went rock climbing?
02. Did you keep your New Years' Resolutions, and will you make more for next year? i don't make new years resolutions -same word
03. Did someone close to you give birth? nope -same no
04. Did anyone close to you die? nope -yes no
05. What countries did you visit? nowhere - Only went on vacation in the U.S. Stayed in the US
06. What would you like to have in 2005 that you lacked in 2004? a boyfriend would be nice...and a drivers license -Well I got my license and boyfriends (both are dunzo). For next year I'd like some self esteem =) Nothing. 2006 wasn't that bad of a year
07. What date from 2004 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? february 8th(?) due to attacking payphones - None really stick out  July 23rd because I met Graem (come on, you saw that coming)
08. What was your biggest achievement(s) of the year? i have done nothing to be proud of - Passing Chemistry with a B. That took talent Passing Physics with a B. THAT took talent
09. What was your biggest failure(s)? everything -My luck with guys. I'm swearing off of guys for 2006. And I will do all that I have to in order to keep that goal nothing
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? yes. i'm sick right now - Lack of sleep which caused a NEVER ENDING migraine I'm always sick or in pain.
11. What was the best thing you bought?boy meets world season 2 biotch! Boy Meets World season 3 bahaha I dont know...they stopped selling Boy Meets World on dvd. So, NOTHING
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? yeah... WTF. My own
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? george fucking bush -Same =) A certain principal
14. Where did most of your money go? dvds -Clothes What money?
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? coheed concert/motion city and thrice concert - Seeing Weezer and Ashlee live MOTION CITY SOUNDTRACK
16. What song will always remind you of 2004? capital h (it stands for hero and the hero is ME)- My Humps orrrrr When You're Around Husker Du -Terms of Psychic Warfare
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a. happier or sadder? happier -Probably happier...because I don't remember what I was last year HAPPIER =)
b. thinner or fatter? same -Same. I've weighed about the same for 3 years same deal
c. richer or poorer? same POORER. I'M DEAD BROKE. I need a job next summer I never got that job, but i think I have more money now

18. What do you wish you'd done more of? going out with friends -same answer seen graem more
19. What do you wish you'd done less of? sitting in my room doing nothing  -same answer gone to school
20. How will you be spending Christmas? went to my uncles sammmeee. Damn nothing has changed I dont know yet actually
21. Did you fall in love in 2004? noooope. I wouldn't call it love but I was closer than I have ever been before Yes
22. What was your favorite TV program? seinfeld, friends and boy meets world Same plus the Golden Girls. I wonder why this wasn't in last years answer, I've always loved that show. BEST WEEK EVER

24. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year? nope i think i hate the same thousands of people. Oh yeah. Yes

25. What was the best book you read? Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging - I read this book over. & I still love it The things they carried
26. What was your greatest musical discovery? ben folds or motion city babay -Wow. Streetlight Manifesto, Aquabats, Catch 22, James Blunt...A LOT the lawrence arms, the falcon, husker du, a lot.
27. What did you want and not get? a new bass (guitar not the fish) One of those giant zippers that turns into a purse
28. Favorite film of this year? Napoleon Dynamite and Without a Paddle - Fav. Movie that came out? In good company I dont know. Borat?

29. What did you do on your birthday? went to chilis -Same + got a car I dont even remember
30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? finding a boyfriend Ew what a horrible answer. Uh....I don't know for this year NOTHING
31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2004? absolutely no sense of style and loved it - To quote Brittany : "Delias much?" "Does this match? No? Alright, cool."
32. What kept you sane? euro trash -2gether same
33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Elijah Wood (this has been the same for 4 years) -Same. I love that guy Same & Jonathan Decious
34. What political issue stirred you the most? fucktard bush winning.Uhm...good question. A lot Gay marriage. I'm sick of people questioning it. Let people live their lives the way they want. This country isnt based off of one religion. No comments on this people, okay?

35. Who do you miss? anna j platek SAME =( Dude, everyone
36. Who was the best new person you met? hm.kiley? Uhm...who did I meet this year?? Tammy probably. Graem. Why bother asking me this?
37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2004: don't wear the same shoes twice in a row or anna bieniek will throw a louis vuitton purse at you..kidding.  BOYS SUCK AND DON'T CHANGE YOUR LIFE AROUND FOR THEM  =) If you have to pee, just pee.
38. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year: 2004: I'll be back tomorrow, I'll be back in the ballroom swinging. I'll be back with my superman action and I'm off to save the world. This time I've got nothing to say besides, do do do  do do do You've got to learn to live with what you are
Hopes for 2005: 2006 now DOUBLE OH SEVEN
01. Predict something that you think will happen in 2005 (6)?i will be sad and lonely Fuck, why was I so emo? Next year I will...get a job. Yes. Oh, I'm not going to say it.
02. What do you hope changes about your country?that bush leaves. permanently.Same We become more open-minded
03. What do you hope for yourself? to be happy? Same Same
04. What do you hope for your family? that they would stop getting on my nerves Same That theyd just leave me alone and realize I'm old enough to make my own decisions
05. What do you hope for your best friends? hapiness HapPiness That we stay friends even through college
06. What do you hope for the rest of your friends? "   "  - "     " PEACE
07. Do you think any amazing medical advances will be made? uhm. bush is running our country. he's busy wasting money on botox. No I don't No

My Past
° What was your kindergarden teachers name: ms brietzman This didn't change obviously dfns
° Have you ever made fun of someone, then felt so bad about it that you apologized: yah same Nope

° When was your first boyfriend/girlfriend and who: i don't consider dan a boyfriend...so no one. Stoodley...baha doesn't change
° Have you ever asked someone out: no same no
° Have you ever rejected someone: yeah same yes
° Have you ever been rejected: yeah yes yes
° Have you ever thought about suicide just because life wasn’t going your way: no sameee noo
° What was your first job: never had a real job. sameeee living life

My Present
° What always seems to embarrass you over and over: everything lots of stuff algonquin stories
° Whats your area code: 847 same same
° Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend: no not anymore yes
° What toothpaste do you use: aquafresh same sameeee
° Where do you shop for lawn gnomes: I FUCKING HATE LAWN GNOMES! THEY ARE SCARY AND EVIL. -Bahaha sammeee
° Do you highlight your hair: yep. red. -samee dye it
° Do you have a wild waves season pass: ive never even heard of that..-Seriously. What is that place?
° Whats your favorite breath mint flavor: cinnamon same
° Do you dislike one of your friends boyfriends: no  yepo
My Future
What do you wanna be when you "grow up": photographer same
What would you want your future daughter's name to be: josephine  "
What would your future son's name be: jack       "
Do you want to ever get married: yeah               "
How long do you think you'll live: until i die -Haha that was a good answer
Where are you going to live when you "grow up”:chicago  I don't know. Probably downtown Nowhere near here
What college do you want to go to (if you're goin g to college): i dont necessarily want to go anywhere, but if i do go somewhere itll be Illinois Institute of Art NO. COLUMBIIAAAA!!! I will go to North Central
How old are you gonna be before you move out of your mom's house: not sure Whenever I get married..SOOOOO 68? When i get married. Hopefully right out of college

Who's gonna be your bride's maids: you Dennis Rodman. He looks good in dresses. He'll be dead by the time I get married though Seriously. Dennis Rodman.
Who's gonna be your best man: i dont know.. who knows...
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