TARDIS challenge

Mar 18, 2009 19:25

Title: Escape
Flavor: CI
Rating: PGish
Count: 528
A/N: Includes a visual aid!

After having far too many drinks at Mike Logan’s retirement racket, Alex Eames was in a deep sleep, dreaming about a traveling blue box. When Eames was a young girl, she and her brother watched episodes of Doctor Who on public television. The British sci-fi show about a time-traveling alien captivated the Eames children, and they played elaborate games of make believe based on the Doctor’s adventures traveling across time and space in the TARDIS, his blue police box.

At first Eames was stuck being the Doctor’s female companion Sarah Jane, while her brother directed their games as the Doctor. Eames was never very good at bowing to the buddy boy system, though, so she soon demanded possession of the long, striped scarf and their father’s misshapen old fedora. Her brother assumed the role of the Doctor’s archenemy, the Master, or took control of UNIT as the Brig.

One day, their next door neighbors received delivery of a brand new harvest gold refrigerator, and the Eames kids knew the box would make a perfect TARDIS. They got permission to take the tall, cardboard container home, and spent a full day painting the outside blue. Eames stood on a chair to inscribe “POLICE PUBLIC CALL BOX” at the top, and her brother used their mother’s best carving knife to cut doors in one side. Eames noticed that the tire pressure gauge on her father’s workbench looked remarkably like the Doctor’s sonic screwdriver, so it went into the pocket of her jeans.

The siblings had marvelous adventures that summer, “traveling” to distant galaxies in their cardboard TARDIS. Sometimes Eames even relinquished the role of the Doctor to her brother. By the time school started, the bent and battered blue box would no longer stand on its own after battling Daleks and Cybermen, so it had one last adventure in the garbage truck.

Eames’ brother started junior high school and soon discovered girls, so his days of playing make believe games with his kid sister were over. It wasn’t much fun fighting invisible monsters alone, but Eames sometimes imagined escaping in the TARDIS when she was faced with a particularly dull chore or difficult test. Eventually her interest in the show waned, although every once in a while she dreamed of escaping in the blue box.

This morning Eames woke slowly, the remnants of her time travel dream supplanted by the pounding headache of a hangover. Margaritas, she thought. Too many. Cracking open one eye, Eames tried to focus on the numbers of her alarm clock. She couldn’t see them, though, because a bra was draped over the top. Her bra. Eames realized she was stark naked, and she groped for the blanket. Instead of fabric, her fingers made contact with skin. Male skin, according to the hairy leg she was touching.

“Well, good morning, beautiful. Thanks for the retirement present.”

She refused to open her eyes, hoping the Logan in her bed was some kind of tequila-induced hallucination. He stroked her arm and whispered, “I gotta use the can, but then I’ll be ready for another round.”

Not hallucinating. Eames groaned silently. I could really use a TARDIS about now.

The Fourth Doctor and companion Sarah Jane Smith

[character] mike logan, [character] alex eames, [author] gorengal

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