Half an hour left to my birthday, and it's got to be one of the worst I've ever had, in general. In the sense that I worked 11 am to 9:30 pm, among people who have no idea (but I got a gift from the admin lady at the centre), and I got to deal with both of the brats I have today - usually they're spread out over different days - in addition to two other classes. I didn't get to sleep till late last night, so I was completely wiped, and it stormed and flash-flooded Singapore style right after my first class ended, as I was leaving to go forage for breakfast/lunch (and then promptly cleared up before I actually had to go anywhere not covered, which was a good thing.) But between the eye-ache and the general tiredness - I actually fell asleep waiting for my second class - I was definitely rather cranky with the two brats, though my cranky isn't very bad anyway, and I tend to be all sunshine and smiles in general, and the crank doesn't usually last very long even when it shows up. So don't worry, I didn't kill anyone today, much as I might have been tempted to. And it might actually have been a good thing, because some Slytherin-ish part of me that's hidden when I'm...relatively normal seems to show up when I'm cranky and makes devious deals and clever traps and blackmails and dares people for me while I don't have complete control over it. Without even raising my voice beyond what is needed to catch drifting attention. Which meant that both kids, while safe and not even very shaken, might think twice before annoying me again.
Hah. I wish. Ah well, let me dream. xD
Of course, since no one knew, I got all of two SMSes and the gift, till I got home at 9:30 (though Dad waited to pick me up straight from work because I was whining last night, and promptly shook my hand and told me "Happy Birthday" xD), when I was unceremoniously handed a small cream paper bag with a nicely wrapped box inside.
We then had Black Forest Cake, bought from Sweet Secrets since my attempt died a very broken death, which is a very old favourite I haven't had in far too long, because it tends to be extremely expensive as cakes go. We had the 'big' one, and it was about the size of normal 'small' cakes. The small version was the size of a dessert plate, to hear Mum tell it.
Yeah, never let it be said I don't have expensive taste. Unfortunately, I generally do have somewhat expensive taste - I favour classy, simple but elegant, which tends to be top of the range and hence expensive. Cheap tends to be tacky and/or complicated and flashy, which I don't like. Though I do have some nice cheap items - it's only a tendency, for both. Not like I can't use and/or like something I I don't favour particularly; just that I tend to fall in love with (and hence become extremely tempted to get) expensive stuff. Fortunately that doesn't happen very often; at least I appear to have discriminating expensive taste. xD
I don't think there were any good pictures from this birthday - no group shot, and I think I looked at the camera all of twice. And we were laughing far too much, and I was exhausted, as was Gwen and Mum. Dad had just come home from an afternoon of exam, press conference, and meeting, in that order, Gwen from a morning of Physics O Levels and an afternoon and night of Chem revision, and Mum from a day of bratty kids. I think we got done with everything within 45 minutes because we all wanted to sleep.
I then wander upstairs and turn on my computer, which is running horribly slowly, and run off to shower while it decides to cooperate. Something like 10 new emails/posts come in, consisting of a couple mailings and a mixed bag of LJ comments, emails and Facebook notifications.
So I get my birthday greetings after all. :D Now to reply everyone...for some reason everyone decided to email me this week, and even though none of them mentioned the whole getting older thing, I'm guessing it's why. Have many emails to reply, which I'm kinda looking forward to doing tomorrow, in addition to the comment style ones, which are somewhat easier to deal with. I'm almost done on one of them, been writing it over the last two nights.
I'm trying to decide if I still want to bake cookies for the dancers tomorrow. I kind of do. I think it depends on how tired I am and how late I sleep in - I've been running on empty for the last 3 days and I don't really expect to be awake much before noon. I think I might meet up with Yaj for dinner, and I want to pick up an accessory for my shiny new toy. I don't usually indulge in such things - never got the point of handphone danglies (though I had/have some, though none actually attached to my phone) and mp3 player covers and such - but it would be a good idea to get something that fulfills a particular function and Dad's suggestion took ahold of me and wouldn't let me go.
All in all, a decent birthday.
And it is now 12:00, and no longer my birthday.
And yes, the omission is intentional. xD
In other news, my sister and her friends get tomorrow morning's O Level paper delayed an hour to 9 am because of George Dubya Bush's arrival in Singapore. I was very amused. :D (And I can't find the article no more, sadness.)
I also finished C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity for the second time. The guy was an amazing writer. Moving on to Surprised by Joy, hopefully.
~...concentrated power of will...~