See if you can follow me.
- I wandered through whatwasthatbook. (And found a book I recognised, but that's beside the point)
- Somewhere along the way, I found an interesting username: happi_feet. Er, one of those lindy things.
- I wandered through her LJ - and the top post was a Remus/Sirius fic. Which immediately catches my unwilling interest, even after I determine the original interest was unfounded.
- Her friends and watched communities, few as they are, included puzzling, which I thought was a puzzle comm. Also other HP comms, but yeah.
- Wander to puzzling, just to find out that it's a completely locked journal for non G-rated stuff of a particular artist's work.
- Found her website, with G-rated work, and wander over.
- The address catches my attention, and I mull over it a bit while clicking my way through the very pretty pics - the HP gallery, since I recognise that (and Good Omens). The name of the site - Wizard Crackers - I notice as vaguely odd, but dismiss in favour of the pretty pics. Though some of them are oddly...not so good. Like, there're pics where one face is amazingly well drawn, while the other is just totally out of proportion. Weird.
- One of the pics looks really familiar, like I've seen it before.
- Checking the address yields dv12_firecloak2.
- *yelp of recognition, of both pic and website address (notquiteroyal)* I vaguely scanned DV and the attendant posts and comments a bit back while on that nostalgic trip through HP and DT, and this was one of the better artist offerings
- Look over at her links to other galleries and archives, and right under those is her comment box.
- ...Which is titled "Crackers Don't Matter"
- Thurisaz slaps a hand over her mouth and yelps. Talk about unexpected fandom clashes! *headdesk*
From a lost book finding community to Farscape. That has to be one of the weirder link trails I've ever followed. (Though unfortunately that seems to be the extent of Farscape reference :( maybe it's not, actually, but it just blindsided me, since I was quite firmly in the Harry Potter mindset from all the link following.)
I do need to sleep now.