Did I say I wasn't hurt after being thrown into the floor and falling on the field several times?
I take it alllllll back.
I HURT. IHURTIHURTIHURT. OW. I couldn't move this morning for the HURTOWHURT.
I'm just not injured. (except for my thumb :D)
In other news,
Olympic Torch Goes Out, Briefly, In Paris I HEART NYT.
LIBERATE THE OLYMPIC GAMES!!!!! EXTINGUISH THE OLYMPIC FLAME WITH A FIRE EXTINGUISHER!!!!! If it weren't such a symbolically serious thing, I'd say the guy deserves a medal for the sheer brilliance of that idea.
Ooh, the Paris police
use rollerblades.
I was ROFLMAOing all over the place when I read the article (ask Daryl and my mother, who was kinda worried...but when she heard the news she laughed too xD), but...I hate seeing the Olympic Games turned into a political platform and fought over. I hate that China gave reason, and plenty of it, from the smog issues that they never pretended to solve (from our MSN conversation: daryl says: imagine when the flame arrives in beijing. all the smog and all that. FLAME: OMG NO...OXYGEN...*sputters*), to Tibet, which is just...bad, horrible, unconscionable, the adjectives go on.
I think China really needs to look at what it's doing and saying and grow up a little before the world will trust it with anything important, if ever again.