Apr 01, 2010 00:04
OK so sailor moon was probably every girls first anime. It was the first one I remember ever being on a main stream channel UPN which no longer exists (the 6am block Sonic Underground, X-men and in the afternoon DBZ and Sailor Moon)and I watched it and loved the idea of a girl being a magical moon princess with powers. Looking back I realize it was on occasion soft core porn but still happy memories.
But even then I see something wrong with it. Serena bugged me because you can kind of see that Serena was stuck, people always complain that she’s a bubblehead and stupid well she’s 16 if I met my 16 year self I would proceed to kick the ever living hell out myself. Everybody was a self absorbed idiot when they were 16 if you say you went then maybe you still are. Also having your family not notice when you leave every night to fight demons and then tell you to your face you an idiot you would have some emotional problems. If my brother treated me like that I would belt him, and I hit hard as my brother will tell you. So we have a teenager who while addicted to food apparently does not have a weight problem, loves comic books more then homework and is nice to everyone. (what 16 year old girl is nice to everyone? a rare breed) While her family tells her how disappointed they are in her and verbally berates her. Then a talking cat says she’s a princess and has powers = awesome. But she will also have to fight evil and get verbally abused by a cat. I love cats but if a cat called me a meatball head because I was fighting a demon and then went home and read comic books instead of studying for a test I punt that fleabag out a window!!!! Screw the past perfect princess in this reality homework is super unpleasant and I am guessing so is fighting a demon and that is to much suck in one day. Instead the stupid cat should be tutoring her or doing the damn homework herself. then you have her friends, most are great and very supportive but at other times they kind of wander off. Rei really pisses me off, her you should be better bullshit. Screw you go be a demon on your own then their are words for people who speak against their crown/sovereign and none of them are good. So shut up Mars your angry we get it and with attitude your going be the first frigid fire ever!!!
Then we have Darien WHO I HATE I really hate him cause he the basis of an abusive relationship and he knows that she’s going to come back no matter haw bad he treats her. Because of destiny the bitch. This guy insults her and looks down on her as not enough. So her first relationship is with a guy who calls her fat and dumb and not enough. She is going to be married to guy who keeps breaking up with her then putting on a secondary persona where he is very nice and rescues her. There were a host of better options in the show that she could have dated and she of. But she believed in destiny and kept going back to the future abuser cause lets face it that’s where it was going. What the hell is up with her kid. Rina comes form the future and goes off on her mom I mean that really just verbally abuses and f a strange little pink haired girl did that to me BAM BITCH SLAPPED INTO A WALL!!!!! We see that neither Darien or Serena physically changes all that much yet this little pig bitch gleefully tries to hook up with her father, repeatedly in fact that the first thing she does when she embraces a more blatant evil. I would not reproduce if someone told me that was my kid and scamper off and get those tubes cut tied and double knotted. So men who adore Serena are not good enough and a guy who treats her like back up screw is her destiny. Bad message. So I have a lot a pity for her because she needs a big sister or her mom to come back to life and kick the hell out of some people especially people who mess with time, it never works! In the future it seems she grows up and I can hope uses Darien to breed and divorces his ass and leaves him with the kid, marries one of the other guys who worship her and has the real heir to the throne with them.
That my rant so there world leave her alone.