Dec 11, 2009 00:57
Because I have a million things I should be doing that I don't want to do: a meme.
You know how sometimes people on your friends-list post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when were they working THERE? Since when were they dating HIM/HER? Since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.
Please copy the topics below, erase my answers and put yours in their place, and then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration. One-Word-Answers seldom help anyone out.
first name
Kaitlin but dont bother with the whole thing I go by Kate, or Katie if you want somthing. I should have switched over to my middle name in collage but didnt hink of it until it was to late.
24. Holy crap. my life is almost over
North Carolina.
Nothing interesting I am employed at abnk and I think that subconciously I am trying to get fired. Because I do stupid things really stupid things. I am getting my teaching certification and hope to move out and become a teacher full time by summer. Hopefully somewhere not here.
I have a bach. in fine arts and illustration, but dont do much with it beyond making greeting cards.
None. but God I want one.
None yet but again I love small things to a degree thats alarming
I have a unusual amount considering my parents hates each others guts. really they should have divorced years ago and saved everybody some stress.
I am the oldest and thus best, And they should have stopped after me and gotten a nicer car instead I got..
Kelly: 21 Where to begin not a mean bone in her body really but all the people skills of a moose. She is scary good with kids and crazy bad with everbody else and drives everyone up the wall with her strange. Needs to get a boyfriend and an apartment
Charlie: 19 Loves race cars, surgery TV, and the war channel. He also loves his Xbox360 and computer. He had cerebal palsy and plays Tennis in the special olympics. He won bronze for the entire South district which is even more amazing becasue he practices maybe once a week for the month before the meets. He works at Goodwill and is one of those cheerful people that loves everyone and deserves better then what he gets.
Megan: 18 Of all my siblings she is the one that will one day be paid the most. She swims really well, she on the collage team and has gone all over the country for meets. ( I cant even drag my fat butt to the gym) She is really smart and dedicated and focused. I have no idea how we are related I think I may have left my share of the focused DNA in womb and she got it. She is in Rochester getting her degree in forensics or somthing like CSI. we dont talk much because she sees me as a failure and I see her as a cruel self centered bitch. but I adore her and brag about her crazy swimming accomplishment to all my friends.
Mary: 17 the baby she ha s decided to take over megs queen bitch attitude for the remaining year here. She is also a swimmer and a artist and she eclipses everything I think of doing. She is one of those people that breaths attitude, shes fearless good with people, good at sports and good at school. She has no idea what she wants to do in collage.
Just one a aged cocker spanial named Isabelle, we got her when our previous dog died, she was the runt of a puppy farm litter, bow legged buck toothed and a little crossed eyed. Now after many years she is blind, bowlegged, bucktoothed and when she sleeps her tongue sticks out. she looks like a stuffed toy and is the most adorable animal ever, and she smells Oh God how she stinks, its the ears they are always icky and the medicne makes it worse.
list the 3/5 biggest things going on in your life
-Teaching certification
-Ending of my Bank job and beginning of unemployment
-Reading Fanfiction
-Prepareing for X-mas
Ellen/Charles I love them. I really do, but God they drive me nuts they really do. Between them yelling sniping and the constant money troubles that lead to more of the same I question whether any realtionship with the opposite sex is worth it.
who are some of your closest friends?
Jen and Jen and Jess and Jess. I dont get out alot I need a friend to hang with and they all live out of the state. I need to move.