May 27, 2008 08:49
Actually this is about the trip to and from the con, as others have better knowledge of the con itself.
This was the first con that friends actually went with me in my small 4 cylinder car. The car made the trip just fine but everyone tends to get beat up in a car that makes you feel the road. Every bump is a personal experience.
We took the less traveled way and saw some great scenery in Georgia and Alabama. I noticed the railways along the roads had miles of container cars all sitting empty and rusting. The wheels were as rusty as everything else indicating little use for months. Later I saw some tanker cars with shiney wheels so at least those were being used. I like to see railways that are actually in use.
Close to Huntsville there is a community on the Tennessee river that is beautiful. Steep hills going right down to the river bank plus a small town that seems to have both tourism and industry, yet very little congestion. Wow!
*Insert con report of your choice here*
My thanks to Rebel Kat and Peaches because rooming with them opened doors and made the con more that just a chance to wear a fursuit. I got good conversation with old friends and some friends to be. I do hope to stay in touch with them, even if I don't go to cons very often in the future.
While we managed to avoid 4 dollar gas for this trip, I fear that this will be the last trip that such is possible. While I believe that consuming less is the best policy, once in a while a trip like this, with friends, is needed.
I need to set up a new photo site as my old one is no longer accessible. I have several fursuit events worth of pictures that I have never posted. My bad.