Homemade Air Conditioner

Oct 16, 2007 14:54

Ok, it's a factory package unit that I bought second hand. The one small problem is that my house is old and has always had a large window unit that I installed through a wall and set on stacks of concrete block for support on the outside of the house. It never was exactly pretty but it has worked for the last ten years and kept the power bills low enough to avoid replacement with something better.
Now the homeowners insurance people want a central unit with thermostat control so I placed a package unit next to the old AC and made duct connections and wiring to the almost new and somewhat larger unit. Yehaw, it works. That is to say that I can turn the unit on by touching the yellow t-stat wire to the blue t-stat wire and it starts right up.

Well I guess I should clean up the job with conduit and a real t-stat but this can wait until I have to show the work to an AC service man. It will probably need a recharge and all kinds of expensive stuff but the basic unit with new wiring and some duct material cost less than $500.

Now I switch back to the old AC unit and do the wiring right so that the insurance people won't be horrified when I send them pictures of my fully compliant air conditioning system.