Mar 13, 2008 18:47
So it appears that Bodog has released all former employees from their contractual obligations. Simple terms? My starting contract stated that I would not work for another sportsbook for a 12 month period from the day I left the company. Since the mass 'terminations', Bodog has released us of these terms. What does that mean for me? It means Full Tilt Poker is hiring as many Bodog employees as will come ON THE SPOT. Can I repeat that? ON THE FUCKIN SPOT. Done and done. And it's in New West. Hi, 15 minutes to get to work? Done x3.65.
I'm decluttering my life. Bolderize THAT shit, yo. It's unfortunate that I've apparently had to start so close to home. I don't appreciate your sideways jabs at me. If you have something to say, step up and say it directly to my god damn face. Keep it movin, btchs.