cHiLLiN @ MaNdiiZ ..

Jul 01, 2004 05:28

heyy well im at mandii's and shes in the shower cuz shes bout 2 qo out w. her asShole bf who i fuckinq hate .. NICK TODD .. ew piece of shit .. but anyway .. i came across this point today

- when you see your qoOd friend talk about your other qoOd friend , you wonder .. does she talk about me like that tOo!? then your mind starts to think .. [[ thats fucced up ]]

ehH whatever .. shit happens riqht? if they cant say it how it comes then they shouldnt say it at all but .. theres < nothin > u can do .

i<3mariOo .. = ] `'Officially missinq yoU`' - Tamia

xo0o0o0ox <33 aAsShHlLeEiIqGhH <33 hOLLa atCha thuqG misz *
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