[Private to Zaera-polo]
Your keys, Polo-darling. Apartment 221, Building 3. If you wish to know, Cirucci is in the top floor, room 1000, of Building 1. Grimmjow is in the 12th building, 6th apartment. Ulquiorra is a little more secrative, you can imagine. Shinigami reside in the 5th and 6th buildings. So~
She will begin looking into Grimmjow and the peach soon.
[/Private to Zaera-polo]
Hmm... Cirucci will attend this meeting. Il Forte, you? It should prove... interesting.
And the pet is back, how lovely, no?~ Cirucci loves helping to keep pets in line. We need a leash, Cirucci thinks. Hmm... a nice rich brown color, maybe leather, with a silver buckle. Yes, Cirucci thinks that will do nicely...