Jun 18, 2007 22:44
Returned from the Sussen warehouse. They, btw, are the distributor that Badger's Den, LARP USA, and everyone else in the states uses. That's right, it all goes through this warehouse.
The full load-out:
2 sets Lorica Hamata
7 sets Lorica Segmentata
4 Centurian Helmets
1 Officer Centurian Helmet w/ White Horsehair plume
8 Gladii
2 more helmets will be shipped free of charge. Carle promised they would be in stock and they weren't when we got there, so he'll sent them by the end of week. The other helmet with the red frontal (sideways for the plebians) will arrive Friday.
Carle let us upgrade the Hamata to Segmentata for an extra $60 apiece. This was a once-ever wholesale price. I wanted to call Prime and Drew and all my Legionairres and tell them about the $125 Lorica Segmentata with no shipping but I couldn't. We never would have been able to keep that price and I didn't have the funds to blow without talking to the guys first. Sorry guys. If I'd had the scratch I would've taken them on speculation. Poor=Suck.
Also, there were 2 pallets of latex boffers in the corner....
Damn Yo.