Chinese Is The Language Of Love (Series of SJM Drabbles)

Jun 01, 2009 14:18

Title: Chinese Is The Language Of Love
Theme: Series of Super Junior-M-inspired drabbles
Author: Read more... )

!drabbles, !fanfiction, pairing: various

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chibi_roses June 1 2009, 11:52:09 UTC
Super Junior basically just sound hot. Especially Yesung and Kyu (phone sex now please?) And I've always thought Wookie would make the best sex noises.

The Teukry was just adorable.

Aha, the roleplay.


thundersquall June 1 2009, 12:04:56 UTC

TeukRy are always adorable! =D And the roleplay was actually the one I enjoyed writing the most.

And I've always thought Wookie would make the best sex noises.
*brain explodes at the mere thought* YES. YES, DEAR GOD, YES. WOOKIE. SEX NOISES. UGH. GUH. HOT FUCKING YES, KIM RYEOWOOK. GUH. *is now officially brain dead, organs are up for donation*


chibi_roses June 1 2009, 12:26:16 UTC

and faces
NO YOUR BRAIN CAN'T EXPLODE you need to continue writing amazing stuff like this! And yeah, live your life etc. WRITING
*tries to shock you back to life*


thundersquall June 1 2009, 12:40:05 UTC
This is all your fault, putting those visuals of Wookie + sex noises in my head, how did you expect my brain to stay in one piece? *gives angry!Sungmin pout*


chibi_roses June 1 2009, 12:53:41 UTC
...You make it sound like the visuals are a bad thing...


thundersquall June 1 2009, 13:00:21 UTC

NO! No, they're not bad, at all! In fact, they're... good. REALLY good. Like... um, wow. They're those sorts of visuals that make me utterly incoherent.

And you know what I'm thinking of now? EHB. =p I don't know if you've watched it, but if you have, the ep where they're tickling Ryeowook, and GAWD those noises and gasps and moans he makes with his face scrunched up into what I can only describe at an orgasm!face. Seriously. I don't know how else I'm supposed to describe it, that's exactly how it was like.

Aish, Ryeowook drives me insane. *headdesk*


chibi_roses June 1 2009, 13:04:56 UTC
Lol, I was kidding. Of course they would be just fantastic.

That's what made me start to think about it! It really really was an orgasm!face. And those little moans... I watched it before an exam last year (oops) and was thinking over it during the exam. Probably not the best thing to do at that time but hey. Ryeowook orgasm faces > French listenings. Also, Yesung kept holding him during that part. I think I enjoyed that too much.

I have so much love for that man and I have no idea where it comes from.


thundersquall June 1 2009, 13:13:39 UTC
Oh yes, Ryeowook orgasm faces and orgasmic gasps/moans trounce studying. ANYTIME. =DD

And *squeals* yes the way Yesung was holding him! <3333 Made me very very happy. =DDD

The time when the guys ripped Ryeowook's leg hair off in Thailand, he did the orgasm!face there too! Wookie and his orgasm faces are PURE WIN, and the best part is, that poor boy probably doesn't even know how incredibly suggestive and sexy he looks (though I'm pretty certain Yesung knows, LOL).

And dont't worry, I have no idea where my insane love for Wookie comes from either. No point pondering, let's just sit back and enjoy the Wook ride. (Ok that sounded wrong but you know what I mean. =p)


chibi_roses June 1 2009, 13:22:02 UTC
Trufax that. Hence the reason I'm sitting here replying and talking about them instead of studying, which I told myself I would start... 2 hours ago? Whoops. Oh well.

It was so cute! I like to think of it as Yesung being "Oh, you have an orgasm face? Let me help you with that" and Wookie all "Not on TV you fool"

He does the orgasm face a lot. That opens up a lot of questions. Lol, he's probably like "Stop jumping me when I'm in pain you sadist!"

I think I'd enjoy a Wook ride lol. Yay for insane and unexplainable Wookie love!


thundersquall June 1 2009, 13:29:54 UTC
Yes, and I was supposed to be sleeping early because fangirling over Wookie kept me up till 5 am the night before and then I still had to drag my sorry ass to work. =( Look what that man does to us, dammit.

And now that you mention it, Yesung DID have a pervy "let me help you" sort of face. *evil grin*

I suspect Wookie is a closet BDSM devotee. Explains why he does the orgasm face in all sorts of situations - pain, laughter, sadness, confusion, whatever. And somehow, Wookie + BDSM... that is a delicious thought.

Who wouldn't enjoy a Wook ride? I'd never get off, NEVER EVER. LOL.

PM me if you want to spazz on MSN! I'm SO delighted I'm finding more Ryeowook lovers, it's just been me and shiryu so far and every other SuJu fan I know doesn't like Wookie... =( =( =(


chibi_roses June 1 2009, 14:12:30 UTC
I'm having an awful day with technology it seems, I wanted to write "I have a horrible feeling I spelled my MSN wrong, so if it doesn't work let me know" and somehow ended up deleting my previous comment.


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