Chinese Is The Language Of Love (Series of SJM Drabbles)

Jun 01, 2009 14:18

Title: Chinese Is The Language Of Love
Theme: Series of Super Junior-M-inspired drabbles
Author: Read more... )

!drabbles, !fanfiction, pairing: various

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thundersquall June 1 2009, 11:25:27 UTC
Awwww... ILU so much too, you Wookie pic and video spammer, you comrade-in-arms for Wookie, you feeder of my Ryeowook fantasies. *huggles*

IT WAS HYUKJAE. DAMN THAT HYUKJAE. But then again, we already have an overall general fetish for Ryeowook... it's not just his voice, yes? And, ugh, don't get me started on KRY (plus Kibum) and their voices. What IS it with these boys and hot strutting and chest popping and voices and arms of sex. GUH.

Kyuhyun should be talking in Chinese to Sungmin all the time now. =p

Leader Umma + Baby of babies = PURE SQUISHY ADORABLENESS!

HyukMi is rare, isn't it? But somehow, I find that I really like this pairing... they click well in my head, despite the fact that I've never even seen them talk to each other IRL, LOL. But seriously, NOTHING explains Hyukjae's recent hotness. Nothing. That boy just wants to melt our brains, there's no other explanation.

SiHanChul~ Just like you, my default OT3 along with KRY and YeMinWook. =DD So much love going on between SiHaChul all the damn time, you can't help but get sucked in.

KiHae are ridiculously adorable and I love them so hard for it, but I feel sorry for Kibum, because you know... he's the hot kinky sex god with the arms of sex and Donghae is just... so fail at being a Chinese princess. *snigger*


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