Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder (100 SuJu Challenge)

May 24, 2009 00:11

“You’re going to WHAT?” Yesung spluttered, uncrossing his legs and sitting straight up, staring at the man sitting behind the desk across him.

“Separate you both,” Lee Soo Man answered calmly, folding his fingers together under his chin. “It’s for the best.”

“You can’t do that,” Yesung argued.

“Oh, I assure you that I very well can,” Mr. Lee replied, staring hard at Yesung.

Yesung groaned as he slumped back into his chair. It was true, Lee Soo Man was his boss, and whatever he said had to go. But still… this wasn’t fair!

“This isn’t fair, sajangnim,” said a soft but firm voice next to him, and Yesung started as he realized Ryeowook had voiced his exact thoughts.

“And why not, Ryeowook?” Mr. Lee asked, lighting a cigarette. Yesung resisted the urge to grab the cigarette and stub it out in his boss’s eye.

“Well… why are you singling us out? Kyuhyun and Sungmin-hyung do as much fanservice as we do, if not more, and you’re not separating them. And Kangin-hyung and Leeteuk-hyung, too. Why aren’t you objecting to them, but picking on us?”

Mr. Lee studied Ryeowook’s face, which was slightly pink but determined. He blew out a smoke ring and contemplated a while before answering.

“Kangin and Leeteuk are different. The fans love them as the band parents, and besides, no one suspects a thing about them, especially with Kangin’s flirtatious image. And ever since I got him on We Got Married, he’s been playing the part of a loving husband to a real female extremely convincingly. Most fans wouldn’t think Kangin’s gay. They think it’s all fanservice.

As for Sungmin and Kyuhyun, they aren’t touchy to the extreme where it’d make people think they’re really in a relationship. They’re sweet to each other and that’s just what the fans want to see. It’s done just right, they’ve perfected it. I don’t care what they do with each other behind closed doors as long as the fans don’t know they’re really together.”

“We’re not touchy,” Ryeowook argued.

“No, not since I stopped doing Miracle 4 You, and since Ryeowook’s been away from me for so long with Super Junior-M. If anything, the couple you should be worried about is HenWook and not YeWook!” Yesung said testily.

Ryeowook shot a slightly hurt look in his direction when he mentioned HenWook. He had spent 3 difficult months trying to convince Yesung that whatever he was doing with Henry really was purely fanservice and Yesung had only just managed to get over his jealousy. He didn’t want it flaring up again.

Mr. Lee chuckled dryly. “Look, Yesung, part of the reason why I decided to include Ryeowook in SJ-M WAS because of Miracle 4 U.”

Both Ryeowook and Yesung’s mouths dropped open.

“Have you both even watched the clips of yourselves? Do you know how it looks? Yesung! You never take your hands off Ryeowook, you’re always all over him, kissing him, touching him, hugging him, running your hands up and down his chest and legs. And you! Ryeowook! You just sit there smiling sweetly letting Yesung touch you for all the world to see, like you’re so used to it!”

“But… but I AM used to it!” Ryeowook said, then clapped his hand over his mouth.

“The fans aren’t supposed to know that!” Mr. Lee flared. “Rumours were flying and that’s why I packed you off to China!”

“Well, you can’t ship any of us anywhere now, we’re going to be together for the 3rd jib promotions!” Yesung said defiantly.

“I know that. Which is why, starting from today, I will be sending you both on separate radio and TV shows as much as possible. And I don’t want to see you two so much as standing next to each other on performances or broadcasts. Do you hear me? One public touch, and I’m cutting short the album promotions and moving SJ-M back to China.”

Yesung visibly paled, and Ryeowook turned a dark red.

“You… you can’t do this,” Yesung stuttered.

“I can, and you will have to,” Mr. Lee said coldly. “I’ve already told you, I don’t give a damn what the both of you do in private, but in public, you need to be circumspect. Super Junior are dogged with enough gay rumours. If the fans find out you’re really in a relationship, the media will have a field day, and you guys will be lynched, and Super Junior will collapse and disband.” He crushed his cigarette into the ashtray. “Do you boys want to be responsible for that?”

“You’re exaggerating, sajangnim,” Ryeowook said. “What we do may be real to us, but as long as the fans think it’s just fanservice, what can be the problem? And like you pointed out, SuJu does have gay rumours, but we’re not the only couple in the band, and the others contribute their fair share to these rumours!”

“You’re not the only couple, but you’re definitely the most obvious one,” Mr. Lee said coolly. ”And if you think about it, less YeWook will mean more attention for the both of you from the fans. They’ll be dying to know what happened, and they’ll fight to get into shows just to catch the slightest glimpse of YeWook. Imagine how much publicity - and money - this means for all of you.”

“We don’t care about money or -“ Yesung began to say, but was cut short by his boss standing up to signal the end of the discussion.

“Thank you, both of you, for your cooperation,” Mr. Lee said firmly, gesturing towards the door, and both Yesung and Ryeowook knew it was no use arguing.


Back at the dorm, in their bedroom, Ryeowook found that he couldn’t sleep. Which was a surprise, because he normally tended to fall asleep soon after making love. He stayed as still as he could though, so as not to disturb Yesung who was cuddling him from behind, but he felt Yesung stroke his cheek gently and knew he wasn’t sleeping too.

He turned over so he was facing his boyfriend and pecked him gently on the lips. “Can’t sleep?”

“How can I?” Yesung said, his voice irritated. “I’m so mad at sajangnim. Who the fuck does he think he is?”

Despite himself, Ryeowook giggled. Yesung was so adorable like this, his hair falling into his eyes and his lower lip stuck out in a pout bigger than even Sungmin’s. He pinched Yesung’s cheek playfully. “He’s the boss, that’s who he is. And… well you have to admit… he was sort of right about there being too much YeWook around.”

“There’s never enough YeWook,” Yesung grumbled.

“Obviously not to us, but I did view those old clips of us on your show just now, and seriously, I’m amazed I let you get away with manhandling me in that manner on air. Sajangnim does have a point.”

“It’s not my fault if you’re too tempting.”

Ryeowook laughed. “I’m glad you think so, but let’s just listen to sajangnim this time round, all right? The fans are curious enough as it is, and we are risking our reputations here. We aren’t supposed to really be gay, we’re just supposed to pretend to be slightly gay, just enough to send the fangirls into a frenzy.”

“I don’t know if I can keep my eyes or hands off you, especially when the coordinators keep putting you in those tight jeans.”

“Don’t be an idiot, it’s not like you don’t have me. We just don’t speak to each other when we’re in public, that’s all. When we’re back home, you can do whatever you want.”

Yesung’s eyes gleamed. “Does that mean I can do whatever I want, starting from now?”

Ryeowook recognized that look in his eyes and turned away quickly to face the other way. “It’s time to sleep. We have to get up in 4 hours’ time, remember?”

Yesung pressed his head into the back of Ryeowook’s neck, smelling his scent. “Baby, it helps to have sex before sleeping.”

“Have you forgotten? We just did, you moron.”

“One time obviously wasn’t enough to get you to fall asleep. Baby, please…” Yesung spoke against Ryeowook’s skin, feeling the younger man shiver slightly at the movement of his lips and tongue.

“Goodness, are you turning into that Energizer Bunny Donghae?” Ryeowook grumbled, but he turned back to face Yesung again and Yesung knew he’d won this battle as Ryeowook’s lips found his.


It wasn’t long before “broken YeWook” got noticed.

From the start of their promotional activities, Yesung and Ryeowook went to great pains to make sure they were always separated.

During performances of Sorry Sorry, they made sure that they were standing at opposite ends when the whole group was lined up so they wouldn’t even be photographed together. When they won their first award, quite by instinct Ryeowook went flying into Yesung’s arms sobbing for joy, but at a quick warning glance from Kangin they peeled away from each other and Yesung watched with a heavy heart as Ryeowook went to Eunhyuk instead.

It went on like that, performance after performance, where they wouldn’t even acknowledge each other’s presence. On top of that, they stepped up skinship with other members a lot more. Ryeowook hung around Kyuhyun like a limpet, and Yesung attached himself to Sungmin, until Sungmin made it clear in no uncertain terms that he was extremely displeased about seeing Ryeowook’s hand on Kyuhyun’s bum that one time. After Ryeowook had narrowly escaped having his skull bashed in by the martial arts dynamo that was Sungmin, they agreed to spread out to other members instead of just focusing on one.

On the other hand, Yesung had to admit, they were having sex much more frequently than before because of the deprivation of all the skinship that they were used to. It was hard not being able to even smile at each other.


It was three weeks after the release of the album that Yesung’s grip on his patience slipped a little.

They were filming Star King, and K.R.Y were standing at the back, Kyuhyun in between him and Ryeowook.

Yesung had been feeling fidgety all night, because they’d been filming for more than 4 hours and not once had Ryeowook looked at him. Even though he knew this was what they were supposed to do, it ate away at him inside. He was a naturally affectionate person and he needed to cuddle or be cuddled all the time, and hugging or talking to the other members never made him feel as warm as when it was Ryeowook he was holding. Being in close proximity to and yet unable to talk to his boyfriend was killing him.

The worst part was that Ryeowook seemed perfectly fine being touchy with anyone, even if it wasn’t Yesung. Yesung watched as Ryeowook tugged on Kyuhyun’s arm and leaned over to whisper something in his ear, and then began laughing as Kyuhyun grinned and said something in reply.

Yesung felt his insides beginning to burn.

When Kyuhyun walked away a few minutes later, Yesung crossed over swiftly to Ryeowook and grabbed him by the arm. Ryeowook looked up, alarm written all over his face, and Yesung felt a flash of irritation. Why could he smile and laugh with Kyuhyun, but look at his own lover as if he was some knife-wielding maniac?

He forced his irritation down and bent down to whisper in Ryeowook’s ear, “Sweetheart, do you know how fucking sexy you look tonight?”

“God, what are you up to, we’re filming,” Ryeowook hissed, but Yesung noted the slight pink flush on his cheeks and grinned inwardly.

“I want you to fuck me now, so bad,” he breathed.

Ryeowook jerked his arm out of Yesung’s grip. “We’re filming, oh my God, how can you say such things when we’re still filming!” The slight pink on his cheeks was now a nice rosy shade.

“But I want you…” Yesung murmured.

“Later, goddammit, don’t touch me now, we’ll get in trouble,” Ryeowook muttered, and stumbled away. It took all of Yesung’s willpower to keep a straight face for the cameras; all he wanted to do was laugh his butt off.


“Stop it, Yesung, someone could walk in - shit,” Ryeowook groaned.

“Stop fucking making so much noise and no one will know,” Yesung grunted against Ryeowook’s lips, his hand working in the other man’s pants.

They were in one of the dressing rooms backstage after filming had wrapped. Yesung had grabbed Ryeowook and run off even before the PD had finished praising them for a job well done and forced him into the room, sweeping all the makeup items off the first table he saw and lifting Ryeowook up on it.

“Hankyung-hyung’s going to kill us, those are his makeup stuff!” Ryeowook said worriedly, even as his wrapped his arms around Yesung’s neck and tilted his head back for Yesung’s lips to explore the smooth column of his neck.

“Screw him,” Yesung mumbled. “I need you now, baby, or I’m going to burst.”

“What are you talking about, we’re in a TV studio, and anyone could come in, and we would die so horribly!”

“Then you should fuck me one last time before we die,” Yesung said huskily, slipping Ryeowook’s unbuttoned shirt off him as he mouthed at his shoulder.

“Don’t be an idiot, we don’t even have any lube - “

“Teukie-hyung’s hand cream, on the other table,” Yesung groaned, lifting his head to stare at his lover. “Shit, Ryeowook, stop worrying so much, do you want to fuck me or do you want to waste time?”

Ryeowook looked at Yesung, whose cheeks were flushed, hair falling into his half-lidded eyes, lips red with passion, and battled with himself for a moment before saying, “Fuck, but I hate having a hot boyfriend.”

“Just like how I hate having a tease for a boyfriend,” Yesung said in reply, grabbing Leeteuk’s hand lotion.


Another month of “broken YeWook”, and both Yesung and Ryeowook found that they didn’t mind it quite so much after all.

On Song Battle, after an entire day of studiously acting like the other person didn’t exist, they found each other again in one of the cubicles in the studio’s washroom, and Ryeowook realized that fucking Yesung against the wall while Shindong was peeing, oblivious, in the next stall, was quite possibly one of the most exciting erotic experiences in all his life. Even if both of them emerged later with bleeding lips and tongues from biting down hard to keep from screaming, and couldn’t eat or talk without wincing for a week.

Shindong never figured out, though, why Yesung and Ryeowook dissolved into giggles each time they saw him after that, and they certainly weren’t going to tell.

Yesung, though, felt that the best experience for him was during the shooting of Come To Play. He hadn’t so much as looked at Ryeowook for hours and it obviously drove Ryeowook crazy. The break was only 15 minutes and Yesung hadn’t even thought of doing anything, but it was Ryeowook who took the initiative that time, pushing him behind a rack of clothes with the other members milling about on the other side, dropping to his knees and then giving him one of the quickest, but also one of the hottest blowjobs in his life.

It was unexpected and totally unlike his normally practical, shy, rational boyfriend. And he loved every minute of it.

Sorry Sorry moved on to promotions for Neorago, and by that time Yesung and Ryeowook were intimately familiar with every dressing room, deserted office, and other nooks and crannies the huge buildings that housed the studios offered.

“We’ve got to stop this,” Ryeowook gasped, as they squeezed inside a broom closet after the latest performance of Neorago on Music Bank.

“We won Music Bank, this calls for a celebration,” Yesung said, hands feverishly tugging at Ryeowook’s black skinny jeans. “Shit, but why do these jeans have to be so damned tight?”

“I thought you liked them tight,” Ryeowook answered, running his hand lightly over Yesung’s hardness through the front of his jeans.

“Not this tight, they’re practically birth control.”

“But honestly, we have to stop doing this.”


“Because we haven’t made love in a proper bed since goodness knows when, and seriously aren’t you bruised all over from all these hard surfaces?”

“Honestly, I don’t really care,” Yesung grunted. “And besides, if you miss our bed, we can do it there too when we get home, I can do it anytime, anywhere with you, Wook.”

“God you’re insatiable, I have a pervert for a boyfriend.”

“And I have a boyfriend who just happens to be gorgeous and tempting and edible and whom I can’t even fucking touch when KangTeuk and KyuMin and HanChul are all over the fucking place.”


“Heechul-hyung’s mad at us,” Ryeowook stated one night after they’d finished making love (for the third time that day; once at SBS, once at a magazine photoshoot, and now at home).

“Hmm…? Why?” Yesung mumbled, not really bothered. He was sated and contented and all he wanted to do was hold Ryeowook in his arms and drift off to sleep.

“I heard him screaming at Hankyung-hyung in their room just now. Apparently, he’s pissed that we’re having more sex than he is. And he threatened to break up with him unless he upped their sessions to three times a day or more, like us,” Ryeowook stifled a small giggle, his eyes glowing with mischief. “I think Hankyung-hyung almost cried when he heard that.”

Yesung laughed softly, kissing Ryeowook’s forehead. “Someone should tell Heechul-hyung not to be so competitive or he’ll get wrinkles.”

“Asking him to choose between needing to win everyone else around him or keeping his milky-white skin wrinkle-free would be the hardest decision of his life, he’ll mull over it forever,” Ryeowook snickered.


“You both have done great,” Lee Soo Man said, smiling broadly at them across his enormous desk.

Ryeowook tugged nervously at his shirt collar, pulling it up to hide the hickey that Yesung had left there just yesterday (on their own bed this time).

“Thanks, sajangnim,” Yesung said, inclining his head slightly, sitting relaxed with his arms on the armrests of the chair and his legs loosely crossed.

“So I think you can begin stepping up the fanservice again. Just a little, all right, I don’t want it at the same level as it used to be, just a little because the fans are getting impatient from the lack of YeWook.”

“It’s alright, sajangnim,” Yesung answered politely.

There was a pause.

“What do you mean?” Mr. Lee asked suspiciously. “I thought you were both against this from the start.”

“Well yes we were, but I think we’re comfortable as we are now,” Ryeowook said, smiling at Yesung who tossed him a wink in return. “Besides, we found out that this whole staying away from each other does have its benefits.”


“Well, for starters, Yesung-hyung’s getting noticed a lot more, going on Yashimmanman alone for instance.”

“And Ryeowook’s really blossomed on those shows he went on without me, he’s made to speak out a lot more than he used to.”

“Didn’t you always use to say that the both of us need to stand out more and be less quiet? Well the current situation is perfect, don’t you think, sajangnim?”

Mr. Lee eyed them. “Are you certain?”

“Yep,” Yesung replied cheerfully.

“Well then, carry on if you want, but in any case, you’re free to show a little skinship to each other on shows. Keep the fans hanging.”

They nodded before standing up, bowing, and leaving the plush office.

“So… are you serious? We’re carrying on with this? How long do you intend to make us ignore each other on shows?” Ryeowook asked, slipping his hand into Yesung's.

“Never, as far as I’m concerned, if it makes us this hungry for one another it can go on forever, “ Yesung said firmly, and Ryeowook couldn’t help but laugh as he twined his arms around Yesung’s neck and tiptoed to kiss him.

100 suju challenge, !fanfiction, pairing: yesung/ryeowook

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