Power Games

Oct 02, 2009 02:05

Title: Power Games
Pairing: Sungmin/Kyuhyun
Rating: R
Word count: 4,737
Summary: As the PA to top photographer Lee Donghae, Sungmin enjoys a lot of power. But he doesn’t expect aspiring new model Cho Kyuhyun to stroll into his life and ruin all his power games.
A/N: This is the KyuMin arc to the model/photographer!AU I started with KiHae in Picture Of You.

Written for amine87 , sorry love, I only took forever, and I ended up not even writing about that gif you gave me. *dies* My muse died on that one, and this one just started coming. I’ll definitely finish up the one based on the gif, but in the meantime, please have this, and don’t hate me because this is terrible. D: I promise to do much better on the second KyuMin, bb.

Also dedicated to peipeicho , since you reminded me just now that you had been wanting a KyuMin arc for this verse.

And thank you to
chibi_roses for all the love and support and help, what would I ever do without you sweets?


One of the things Sungmin enjoys most about his job as PA to the famous celebrity photographer Lee Donghae is the power that he wields.

People literally come crawling to his door, he muses, twirling a pencil idly in his fingers as he observes the man sitting in front of him. He’s rather handsome, Sungmin thinks, with intense dark eyes and a body that fills out the suit he’s wearing nicely. Very nicely.

He leans forward, resting his chin in his hand, biting down on the pencil, plump lips in a pout as his teeth work at it. The man remains expressionless, but Sungmin smiles inwardly. He likes coaxing reactions from people, especially people who are asking him for favours.

“Hmmm… I don’t know, Yesung-sshi,” he drawls, deliberately tapping a finger against his lower lip, sucking just the tip into his mouth, just enough to look ever so slightly suggestive. “Donghae is a very busy man. He doesn’t usually work with new, unknown models who aren’t even in the books of an established agency yet.”

“If Donghae-sshi shoots my client for a magazine, he won’t even need to be in any agency; every brand in the world will be clamouring for him,” the man named Yesung says smoothly. His voice is husky and low, like roughened silk; it makes Sungmin shiver. “And I think you’ll find that my client is more than good enough, even for the country’s top photographer. I wouldn’t have come straight to you if I didn’t think so - I’d have gone to another photographer, someone without that title. Or to an agency, for that matter. But I’m giving Donghae-sshi first crack at him.”

Sungmin’s impressed, and more than a little intrigued. This is new. Most agents would be practically on their knees by now, begging for Donghae to use and abuse their clients. This one is confident, even a little cocky. It’s as if he expects Sungmin to be begging him for his clients.

Sungmin likes that.

“Well…” he says, pretending to think hard. “Why don’t you send me his portfolio, Yesung-sshi, and we’ll see where it goes from there? I can’t promise Donghae will even look at it, though. Like I said, he’s a busy man.”

Yesung laughs, surprising Sungmin. “Oh, I think he will.” He gets up to leave, smirking at Sungmin. “We all know you hold the chips.”

“Flattery will get you everywhere, Yesung-sshi,” Sungmin says, standing up as well and smiling, taking the other man’s hand and holding it longer than is necessary, his thumb stroking over a knuckle. He’s surprised when Yesung pulls back quickly, giving him a cool stare that stops him in his tracks. Fuck, why are his flirtation techniques failing?

“Just like how you flatter me, Sungmin-sshi,” Yesung says, glancing down pointedly at his hand, still hanging in the air; Sungmin pulls it back, glaring at Yesung and willing himself not to flush. “But I’m taken. Maybe you’ll have better luck with my client.”

Sungmin wants to tell this overconfident idiot to stuff it and leave for the boondocks with his stupid client, but his interest is piqued. Maybe it’s just the fact that Yesung is so cocky, and seemingly so sure of his model’s abilities. Whatever it is, Sungmin now wants to see if he lives up to the hype Yesung’s been feeding him for the last 45 minutes.

Besides, Donghae would kill him if Yesung’s client turns out to be the hottest item of the year and a rival photographer, like that Zhou Mi, got to him first.

Yesung’s already sauntering out of his office when Sungmin stops him. “Hey,” he calls. “What’s your client’s name?”

“Cho Kyuhyun,” Yesung replies. “Don’t be so impatient, Sungmin-sshi, you’ll see him soon enough.” And with that, he walks out, leaving a stunned Sungmin behind.

Sungmin’s eyes narrow as he stares at the door. Power, he thinks to himself. If there’s something Yesung got right, it’s that he’s the one making all the decisions; Donghae trusts him so much that he’ll agree to shoot anyone as long as Sungmin tells him it’s a good idea. And if Sungmin has his way, Yesung’s client will never work for anyone, ever. Too bad the guy has an overbearing fuck for an agent.



“Remember that guy I told you about that day? That Yesung guy who came to me asking that you shoot his client, some unknown nonentity?”

Donghae doesn’t even look up at Sungmin from where he’s polishing the lens of his camera. He does it obsessively, even if there isn’t even a speck of dust on it. It irritates Sungmin sometimes, the way Donghae spaces out over his cameras when Sungmin really needs to talk to him; all he wants to do is tear that camera out of his hands. This is one of those times.

“Yeah, I remember. The one you told me was completely insufferable, but who you wanted to fuck anyway.”

Sungmin waves his hand impatiently at Donghae. “Forget about that, the guy told me he’s taken, and I’m not interested in being a homewrecker. No, what I wanted to say is, I think you should take a chance with his client.”

Donghae looks up this time, interest in his eyes. “Wow, that’s a quick change of attitude. You were just railing at me up till yesterday about how you would never want me to use Kyuhoon, or whatever his name is.”

“Kyuhyun,” Sungmin corrects him. “But well, I’ve just received Yesung’s email with Kyuhyun’s portfolio, and I do think he has potential.” He keeps his voice deceptively casual. “I mean, sometimes we should use an unknown, give them a chance, break them into stardom. And you’ll get all the credit for making the next big thing.” He slides his laptop over to Donghae, who obligingly begins looking at the photos.

Donghae frowns as he scrolls through the pictures - a frown that is slowly replaced by a grin that is rather too knowing for Sungmin’s comfort.

“Hmm. He is rather good-looking, this Kyuhyun,” Donghae says slowly, raising his eyes to look at Sungmin, who’s biting the insides of his cheeks. “I don’t know though, Sungmin, by looking at these pictures. Is he really good enough?”

Sungmin knows Donghae’s teasing. If Sungmin says someone is good, Donghae never disagrees. He frowns at his friend, but maintains his indifferent tone when he speaks.

“You know the pictures don’t look as good because they’re shot by a crap photographer. You, on the other hand, can make him look like pure magic. I say let’s do it.”

Donghae laughs, pushing the laptop back to Sungmin. “God, you’re so transparent. You lost interest in Yesung not because he’s taken, but because you want this Kyuhyun more. You need to learn to be less obvious, buddy.”

Sungmin scowls, smacking Donghae on the arm. “Shut up. Are we using him, or not?”

“Sure we can,” Donghae says easily, still grinning at Sungmin. “Schedule him in. And, uh, don’t fuck him on the first day. I don’t want him scared off by my nymphomaniac of a PA.”

“I hate you sometimes,” Sungmin snaps, but he’s already reaching for the phone to dial Yesung.


“Oh my god,” Sungmin says, swaying slightly on his feet, one hand gripping on to Donghae’s arm tightly while the other hand is pressed to his chest. “Oh my god, Hae.”

“Stop being such a drama queen,” Donghae hisses, shaking him off so he can concentrate on angling himself and his camera. Kyuhyun’s lounging in an overstuffed armchair in front, long legs stretched out and crossed at the ankles, soulful black eyes shadowed under a mop of unruly curls.

“But Hae, he is so hot,” Sungmin whispers, unconsciously stumbling after Donghae as he moves to one side, and Kyuhyun’s eyes follow them. For a moment Kyuhyun glances up at Sungmin, locking eyes, and Sungmin stops in his tracks as Donghae snaps a picture at that exact moment, with Kyuhyun looking languidly away from the camera.

“Oh my god, he has got to be the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. Where has he been all my life?” Sungmin says, grabbing onto Donghae again; he shakes Sungmin’s hand off, glowering.

“Sungmin, close your mouth and wipe your drool off, you’re embarrassing me, and I’m working,” he says severely. “Can you stand somewhere else and not stick to me like a leech? I need to concentrate and I can’t when you’re breathing down my neck about how gorgeous Cho Kyuhyun is.”

“But he is gorgeous,” Sungmin pouts.

“Go stand in some corner and continue thinking that, then, just leave me alone.”

“Goddamn, some friend you are,” Sungmin says bitterly as he turns and stalks off. Donghae doesn’t even bother replying; the click of the camera shutter behind him tells Sungmin that Donghae’s already right back at work.


Sungmin pounces almost the moment the photoshoot is over. Kyuhyun’s still bowing and thanking the staff politely, Donghae’s already immersed in the photos on his computer, and Yesung’s making a phone call at the other end of the studio. It’s the perfect opportunity for Sungmin to sidle up beside Kyuhyun.

“Nice work, Kyuhyun-sshi,” he says, putting on his most charming smile and making sure his eyes are as wide and adoring as possible. “Donghae will be very pleased.”

“Thank you, but I didn’t do much,” Kyuhyun says formally. His voice is incredible, Sungmin thinks - if Yesung’s voice was like rough velvet, Kyuhyun’s is like hot melted chocolate, rich and smooth and silken. Up close, he’s even handsomer than before, long dark eyelashes framing his expressive eyes and full lips that Sungmin can just imagine kissing and kissing until they’re red and swollen.

He only realizes he’s leaning forward unconsciously, head tilting upwards and moving ever closer to Kyuhyun, when Kyuhyun suddenly flushes and takes a step back. Sungmin jerks himself out of his dirty fantasies and swears inwardly. God, why is he always so obvious?

There’s a couple of seconds of awkward silence before Sungmin remembers that he is the PA to the famous photographer Lee Donghae, and as such, wields much, much more power than this insignificant new model in front of him. But just then he notices, out of the corner of his eye, that Yesung’s finished his phone call and is already walking towards them.

“Here,” he says quickly, fishing a card out of his cardholder and scribbling his mobile phone number down on the back. “Call me. I’d love to go for a drink. Or... whatever you would like, Kyuhyun-sshi.” He steps forward and slips the card into the back pocket of Kyuhyun’s jeans, patting it lightly, his bold action in complete contrast with his demurely lowered lashes. Before Kyuhyun can react, he’s already sauntering away, making sure his hips sway just a little bit more than they normally would.

He’s barely gone a few steps, though, when a hand grabs his elbow and pulls him back, spinning him around so he almost crashes into the person holding him.

“How about now then?” a deep voice whispers surprisingly close to his ear, hot breath wafting over his cheek, and with a start Sungmin realizes that it’s Kyuhyun.

He tries desperately not to squeak, or flail, or lose his balance, or anything that will let Kyuhyun know how he affects him. But the moment he looks up into Kyuhyun’s eyes, he realises he’s fighting a losing battle. There’s something about the way Kyuhyun’s looking at him that’s causing his cheeks to heat up, and he just knows Kyuhyun can see the flush on his face.

He takes a step backwards, willing his cheeks to stop burning, and says as casually as he can, “Sure, why not?” He allows himself to look up at Kyuhyun again, and sees to his aggravation that he’s actually grinning, and looking much too smug for someone who’s supposed to be an insignificant nobody.

Sungmin’s eyes narrow. Before the night’s out, he tells himself, he’ll show Kyuhyun who’s the one with the real power, and who’s the person who should be unsettled.


Over dinner, Sungmin’s fidgety as hell. Which he really shouldn’t be, because he’s eating with one of the hottest men he’s ever been with, and he should have felt smug and self-satisfied at the way every pair of eyes in the restaurant, male or female, swung their way when he strolled in with Kyuhyun.

But there’s just something about Kyuhyun that throws him completely off-balance. Maybe it’s the way Kyuhyun walks so gracefully with those long legs of his. Maybe it’s because Kyuhyun’s smile makes Sungmin forget to breathe. Or maybe it’s just because Kyuhyun acts so nonchalantly towards him, like he really doesn’t know his place in the world.

In any case, Sungmin is intrigued. He’s never met any model, especially a new one, like this. They’re either always fawning over him, or too intimidated to even talk in his presence. And here’s Kyuhyun taking the lead, ordering for them both, initiating conversation, and unlike anyone else Sungmin’s ever dated, he’s actually able to talk intelligently and string together words of more than three syllables.

“How did you get into modeling?” Sungmin asks over their steak, trying not to stare too obviously at the deft way Kyuhyun’s long fingers handle the knife and fork, slicing elegantly into the meat, and putting some very interesting thoughts in Sungmin’s head about what else Kyuhyun could possibly do with those fingers.

Kyuhyun laughs. “I didn’t want to. Yesung and I have been best friends since middle school, and he just got it into his head one day that he wanted to be some hotshot agent, and he forced me to be his first client.” He shrugs, putting his fork between his lips and sliding the chunk of beef off it, chewing slowly, and Sungmin feels his neck grow hot as his eyes follow the movements of Kyuhyun’s full lips. “Turns out, he’s not bad at this after all, if he could get me this assignment with Donghae-sshi.” He lifts his eyes and stares boldly at Sungmin. “And of course, he got me you.”

“Excuse me?” Sungmin can hardly believe his ears.

Kyuhyun smiles, lazy and charming, and Sungmin can almost feel himself melting. “Well, I wouldn’t be here having dinner with you if Yesung hadn’t gotten me the shoot, would I?” He slices a bite-sized piece from his steak as Sungmin gapes at him, and leans over, pushing his fork gently into his mouth.

“Try my steak,” he says, and Sungmin chews and eats it anyway while staring at the way Kyuhyun’s smiling at him, even though he hates steak done rare, like Kyuhyun’s is.


Sungmin fully expects to have sex with Kyuhyun. That’s how it always happens; he takes someone out, a fresh new face who’s falling all over his or her feet to be seen with Sungmin, spends the night with them, and the next day he’s regaling Donghae with stories about his latest conquest. If it was pretty good, he might call them again another couple of times, but most of the time he forgets about them and moves on to the next one. In his line of work, beautiful people are a dime a dozen, and available on a daily basis for him to take his pick.

So he’s surprised when Kyuhyun refuses to get into his Audi with him after their meal, instead saying he’ll take a cab back on his own. “You don’t have to drop me off, Sungmin-sshi. I’ll make my own way back.”

Sungmin’s so astonished by this - it’s new for him, usually the models are already shoving their tongues down his throat before dessert’s over - that he blurts out, “You’re not coming back with me?”

To his embarrassment, Kyuhyun doesn’t seem put out, or flattered, or discomfited in any way at all. He simply cocks his head, staring at Sungmin long enough for him to flush (and then Sungmin’s glad that the light of the streetlamps don’t spill out far enough onto the sidewalk where they are, so he can duck his head and pretend he’s not embarrassed), and says slowly, “No. Should I be?” He shifts a little as he speaks, moving closer to Sungmin so that their arms brush slightly, his knuckles pressing gently against the back of Sungmin’s hand.

Sungmin swallows and reminds himself, in control, be the one in control. He steps back from Kyuhyun, looking up into those dark eyes, and says as coolly as he can, “Of course not. I never force anyone to, Kyuhyun-sshi.”

Kyuhyun chuckles then, a slow insolent sound, and moves closer to Sungmin yet again, so close this time that Sungmin can feel the warmth of his breath puffing over his lips and nose, and he wills himself not to budge.

“You wouldn’t have to force me, I promise.” And with that, he leans down and pecks Sungmin on the cheek, just a chaste innocent kiss, but when he straightens up Sungmin’s cheek is burning where Kyuhyun’s lips landed.

Kyuhyun grins down at Sungmin, looking infuriatingly smug, but Sungmin’s mind is in a whirl with his words and his kiss (much too short and impersonal for Sungmin’s liking) to mind, or protest, or even kiss him back even though that’s what he wants to do most of all right now. Kyuhyun simply says, “I’ll call you soon” and without waiting for Sungmin’s response, walks off.


“Can you believe that? Donghae, can you believe that arrogant little snot?”

Sungmin’s screeching at Donghae the next day, having stayed up all night obsessing over why Kyuhyun didn’t want to sleep with him, and wondering why he affects him so much when he’s just a new brat hoping to make it big off Donghae’s name and Sungmin’s help.

Donghae’s ignoring him; he’s used to Sungmin’s complaints, and he merely pushes his glasses up on his nose and squints at his computer screen, scrutinizing the photos of Kyuhyun he took yesterday. “Don’t talk to him again then,” he mumbles distractedly, and Sungmin smacks him on his shoulder.

“Will you get over your work and listen to me for once?”

Donghae looks up, exasperation etched all over his face. “Sungmin, I’ve listened to you whine about Kyuhyun for 2 hours already, and I need to get this done because Kibum’s coming over later, and if Kyuhyun bothers you so much, just don’t talk to him ever again.”

Sungmin stares at his friend in disbelief. “You selfish, sex-crazed - “

Donghae interrupts him. “Here, Sungmin, look, what do you think of this picture?” He tilts his monitor towards Sungmin, a black-and-white close-up of Kyuhyun’s face on it.

“I don’t care about your stupid - oh my god, that’s gorgeous.”

Donghae smirks. “You’re really hooked, aren’t you? Or is it only because he’s the first person to ever turn you down?”

“Shut up and stop rubbing it in,” Sungmin snaps, and hits him again as he laughs.


Sungmin’s in his office, rifling through the mountain of paperwork on his desk, when his mobile rings.

“This is Sungmin,” he says when he picks it up, cradling it between his cheek and shoulder.

“Hey, it’s me,” a familiar low voice says. “How are you?”

Sungmin freezes; the paper he’s holding slips out of his fingers and flutters to the floor, but he disregards it for now. “K-Kyuhyun?” His voice comes out as a squeak, and he mentally curses himself as he clears his throat.

“I guess that means you’re happy to hear from me,” Kyuhyun sounds amused, and Sungmin wishes the ground can swallow him up.

“Not at all,” he growls, and is affronted when Kyuhyun actually starts laughing.

“What is it?” he says, harsher than he actually feels, because his heart is thudding and there’s an odd lightness in his chest that he can’t deny is happening at the mere sound of Kyuhyun’s voice.

“I’m outside your office and I want you to have lunch with me.”

“Excuse me?” Sungmin practically shrieks. He whirls around in his chair and stalks over to the door, flinging it open, only to be greeted by the sight of Kyuhyun leaning against the doorframe, long lanky legs encased in tight denim and grinning under his shock of curly hair, taking Sungmin’s breath away all over again. He bites his lip, forcing himself to relax.

Power, he tells himself. You’re the one with the power, Sungmin.

“What do you want?” he says brusquely, trying not to look directly at Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun stands up straight. “I told you. Go out with me for lunch.”

“I’m busy,” Sungmin snaps.

“Too busy for me?”

“Too busy for anyone. Now go.”

“I’m not going unless you go with me.”

Sungmin frowns. “Kyuhyun - “ he begins, but is cut off by Kyuhyun reaching out and taking his hand.

“I’m not taking no for an answer. When I say I want you to have lunch with me, I want you to have lunch with me,” Kyuhyun says firmly, and walks off, pulling Sungmin behind him.

Sungmin is so stunned that he doesn’t resist, because never before has anyone been that forceful with him, and more to the point, never before has someone walked into his life and taken all the power and the control out of his hands just like that. He doesn’t know how to react at all; all he can do is follow Kyuhyun, his hand clasped in Kyuhyun’s warm one, and wondering what’s this fluttering in his stomach that he’s never felt before.


They’re in Sungmin’s Audi, still idling in its parking lot at Sungmin’s offce. Kyuhyun wants them to go to some gaming exhibition which Sungmin is entirely not interested in, while Sungmin, on the other hand, is brandishing invites to the Chanel show in Kyuhyun’s face, and insisting that they go for that.

“What kind of a model are you if you’re not interested in fashion?” Sungmin exclaims.

Kyuhyun rolls his eyes. “Give me a PlayStation over a fashion show any day, please. Besides, I’ve had enough of fashion shows, I’ve been doing enough of them over the past month.”

“Which you would never even have had the chance to do if I hadn’t gotten Donghae to use your shots for Burberry’s latest ad campaign.”

“Exactly, and that has kept me busy enough, and I need some gaming to relax now.”

“But Kyuhyun, I don’t even play games!”

Kyuhyun turns to look at him then, eyes dark and long-lashed as they stare at him, and Sungmin shifts in the driver’s seat. Something about Kyuhyun’s gaze always makes him feel uncomfortable.

“Are you sure you don’t?” he asks, eyes traveling slowly over Sungmin’s face, and at the mocking look in them Sungmin suddenly feels that Kyuhyun isn’t talking about games games.

“I - I don’t.”

“That’s odd, because I could have sworn that from the moment we met, you were playing all sorts of power games with me.”

“Ha ha. Very good there Kyuhyun, what a clever play on words.” Sungmin makes a big show of looking at the pretty curlicue print on the invitation cards, pretending to be engrossed in studying the list of attendees.

“Sometimes, Sungmin…” Kyuhyun drawls, a contemplative tone to his words, “you need to learn to let go of your need for control. You’re such a power-hungry little thing.”

Sungmin’s head snaps up and he glowers at Kyuhyun. “Fuck you, Cho Kyuhyun, what did you just say about me?”

“I said,” Kyuhyun inches nearer to him, “that you need to learn to give up power. You can’t have it all the time.”

Sungmin’s incensed. How dare Kyuhyun speak to him like this? He decides he’s put up with his insolence long enough, and he’s younger than Sungmin, for goodness’ sake.

“Kyuhyun, you had better - “

His words are cut off when Kyuhyun abruptly leans forward and he suddenly feels Kyuhyun’s lips on his own, warm and wet and yielding, and he’s stunned motionless because after all this time, this is the first time they’ve actually kissed, and damn, but if Kyuhyun’s lips aren’t soft and sweet just like how he’s been imagining throughout these few weeks while staring as covertly at them as he could manage.

“Kyuhyun,” he mumbles, and Kyuhyun takes advantage of him parting his lips by sliding his tongue in, curling it insistently around the tip of Sungmin’s own, and Sungmin can’t suppress a ragged gasp at the feel.

“Don’t fight me, Sungmin,” Kyuhyun murmurs against his lips, his hand coming up to cup Sungmin’s cheek as his thumb strokes over the soft skin, and Sungmin completely crumbles.

“Kyuhyun, Kyuhyun, Kyuhyun,” is all he can manage as Kyuhyun kisses him, and he closes his eyes and allows Kyuhyun to take the lead.


“Let me do it,” Kyuhyun says, when they’re in Sungmin’s apartment, all thoughts of gaming exhibitions and fashion shows gone as they stumble through the door and Kyuhyun begins pulling at Sungmin’s expensive silk shirt, long fingers tearing at the buttons and stroking Sungmin’s skin through the fabric and making him burn.

“No, let me,” Sungmin gasps, unwilling to let Kyuhyun have his way, all the way.

“No,” Kyuhyun grunts, and pulls. Sungmin thinks he hears something ripping, but he decides he really doesn’t care, not when Kyuhyun’s kissing his neck and doing that with his tongue across his throat, pressing Sungmin as close to him as possible while frantically tearing at all the troublesome layers of clothes between them.


“No, like this,” Sungmin insists a little later, only to gasp when Kyuhyun growls and flips him over so he’s on his back, taking his ankles and pulling his legs around his waist.

“I want it like this,” he retorts, and Sungmin can’t help but be swept along in what Kyuhyun wants.


“More, Kyuhyun,” Sungmin manages, and he hears only Kyuhyun’s deep chuckle.

“If I feel like it,” he says smoothly, and then carries on with what he was doing, and Sungmin feels himself steadily slipping out of control.


“Aren’t you going to go home?” Sungmin questions later, when his breathing’s finally stilled and his body’s stopped feeling hot with the sex, though it’s still warm because Kyuhyun’s wrapped his arms and legs around him under the covers, as if he’s a koala bear.

“No,” Kyuhyun says, voice muffled against Sungmin’s neck, and Sungmin closes his eyes, reveling in the feel of Kyuhyun holding him close, and lets him stay.


When Sungmin stops to think about it, he realizes that he’s never actually dated, or been in a real relationship before.

Sure, he’s had a couple of girlfriends, and boyfriends, back when he was in high school and college, but those generally never lasted beyond a month. And once Donghae and he graduated from college and he took up the job as Donghae’s PA, slowly pushing him up the fashion ladder and moulding him into the award-winning photographer he is today, he’s never had a lack of people throwing themselves at him. And he’s picky, because he can afford to be, because he knows that his job gives him a lot of clout that he exploits ruthlessly. So nothing that he’s done in recent years is anything near a “relationship”; it’s basically just a quick meal and mindless sex with the prettiest faces he can find.

Kyuhyun’s the first one who's different.

He’s the only person that Sungmin doesn’t seem to wield any power over. It drives Sungmin crazy; sometimes with fury, because no matter what he does Kyuhyun simply does not bow down to him, sometimes with lust, because in his heart of hearts he thinks it’s pretty damned hot that Kyuhyun so easily twists control of whatever situation they’re in into his own hands.

But he keeps reminding himself that he is the one with the power, he can break Kyuhyun’s career, he can choose not to see Kyuhyun, he can make Kyuhyun fall at his feet just like all the other nobodies did. Except that, well, he does none of these. It makes him wonder who’s really holding all the cards, but he tries not to think about that too much. Sungmin isn’t used to ceding power.

But Kyuhyun is special, Sungmin concedes. Kyuhyun is different.

Kyuhyun’s the only person Sungmin’s never been able to control, and somehow, he’s happy about it.

!fanfiction, pairing: sungmin/kyuhyun

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