Title: A Touching Gift
Pairing: OT3 Sungmin/Ryeowook/Yesung
shiryu_yugure and
thundersquall Rating: R-21
Summary: Ryeowook gets an unexpected (but not unwelcome) birthday gift from his two friends.
WARNING: Pure, shameless, gratuitous smut. Nothing but smut, in fact.
A collaboration between me and the awesome
shiryu_yugure for Ryeowook's birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY OUR FAVOURITE MAGNAE!). Um, we do realise that our "present" to him is... really twisted. God, we gave the eternal magnae pure smut for his birthday instead of, I don't know, something sweet or fluffy or cracky. *dies*. But we love Ryeowook, we really do. In any case, SHE wrote most of the good stuff.
Click for Ryeowook's birthday gift )