"A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water."
Talk about a
winter wonderland after nearly two weeks of barely any snowfall. Grass had even started to show. The unshoveled snow went way past my ankle when I stepped off the front stairs. My
back stairs seriously don't approve, but it's not like we use them much to begin with.
I haven't written here in over a week -- that's new. Haven't had much to say, maybe. I wrote up an Oscars post, but forgot to post it, so all I will say about that is Hans Zimmer not winning for best feature soundtrack (for Inception) is a load of pure bullshit. The Academy can suck a bag of dicks. I don't think any of them have ears. Was not happy.
Let's see.
I put pink in my hair again (ignore my mouth; I constantly pull faces), but there's this one bleached section of my hair that will not go pink, and I don't mean the part that's bleached in the picture -- that's intentional, and striped on purpose. The section I mean is so insistent on staying blonde. When I was bleaching out the brown from my hair the other day, the top layer started to go... green? And then I remembered I dyed the brown over what green I used to have, and all was right in the world. Until that bleached section decided not to pink, but I'll live somehow. The pink isn't as vibrant as it was
two months ago (I've never understood why the sea green hair didn't show in this), but hopefully it'll still do
this under black lights.
Still haven't accepted offer of admission. I'm waiting on my appointment with my doctor so we can settle out this appeal thing. From what I understand, I already have a reserved seat in the program, but I have until May 1st or something to accept/decline. Fingers crossed all will be settled by then. Looking for a job in the meantime.
Finished S3 of True Blood and S4 of Dexter this past week, and while I have to wait for S4 of TB, we're going to see if we can download S5 of Dexter. Because... that season finale. What the cheese. Should probably catch up on Nikita and CSI. And one day, I'll go back to marathoning X-Men episodes. Oh, and I started series 5 of Skins UK. Richard. ♥
I've recently taken to sleeping with Gaspard, my giant stuffed crocodile. By giant, I mean he's like five feet and seven or eight inches long. Been pretty depressed lately -- maybe it signifies that I need a hug. He's very comfy, actually. His tail jingles. So basically, I look like this every night, and on that side, too:
Mmmm... how's the weather where you are, flist?