July 9-
Plastic Refund,
No Dice,
Fate of All Tyrants(Cody's band)7:00pm - 11:00pm - The Reawakening show (hopefully)
Alexander-Carr Cafe
One Pierce Ave,
Derry, NH
July 14th-
Big D and The Kids Table,
Streetlight Manifesto!!, Slater, and The Know How
6pm doors open, all ages
13 Lansdowne St.
Boston, MA
Tickets July 17-
Room 44, Dr. Hourai, & more TBA
7:00PM - $5.00 (All Ages)
"The Summit Cafe"
East Broadway
Derry, NH
July 31-
Stratham Fair
Front Porch stage, 5pm - 6pm.
stickers to give away, and it will definitely be a fun show.