[Nei's subconscious mind didn't register at first that anything was wrong. She was very used to waking up in bed beside DS, so a warm body laying beside her didn't set off any triggers. Nor did the silence, at first. She thought, somewhere in a state of half-sleep, that last she checked, Metallicana had been at peace, so it wasn't uncommon for it to be somewhat quiet, except for... And that was where her thought trailed off, and reality sunk in, her sitting up in one swift movement to look around.]
[A horribly decorated room, something Di Amon himself may have chosen, but in pristine condition was what caught her eyes first. The Castle was not in this good of shape, she and DS' previous fight had definitely helped to destroy it, and with Abigail being about... Which was the other thing, wasn't she still in the middle of a fight with DS, Gara, Tia and the rest with Abigail? If so, how the heck did she get here, in a quiet bed with... a dark-haired male sleeping beside her? Okay, that was not right.]
[A quick glance around noted nothing of use for a weapon, so since the man there was sleeping, she did what was the next best thing she could think to do. Shifting, she brought all of her weight onto him, straddling his waist as both thighs tightened to what she hoped was a painful grip, grabbing up a fistful of shirt and drawing her hand back, ready for a punch as she began to yell; who ever heard of voice control when you woke up in bed with a strange man, not in your own clothes?]
You, wake up and tell me what the hell is going on?! If you don't, I'll pound your damn face right in for kidnapping me!!!
[Unfortunately, there was a chance she'd do that anyway... But she'd play nice for now.]
[For the rest of the family, have your new not!mom after whatever dealings she has with Kanda strolling around the home and looking curiously at things. She may occasional mutter something about 'Strange past magics?']
[As for the rest of the town, have a dark-haired woman who's obviously cut one of the dresses in her closet short, and is wandering around looking at everything and everyone both curiously and angrily. Of curiousity, you may find her doing a few things of interest.]
A. Outside her house, looking frustrated and holding a hand out. Occasionally she chants a bit, and when nothing happens, she growls lowly, and tries another chant
B. Glaring at you if you even so much as look at her, despite the fact she did indeed look at you first
C. Looking at the bras and panties in the shops that carry them
D. Having found something she likes, she's now looking indecisive about whether or not to go back and find some of this world's currency... hence, she's pacing in front of the shop she was just in
[Feel free to bother her.]
[ooc: Someone gifted my arslansenki account 10 icons, or two batches of five so maybe two people. If it was someone here, thank you a ton~ I'll put the icon space to good use when I get around to making more for him <3]