Jul 17, 2010 14:40
Hiya guys!
Today's my birthday!! *jumps around* the day will be filled with shopping, friends, drinks and more shopping!!! I wanted to do a Torchwood fanfiction to publish today, but I'm not sure I'll be able to post it! The story is completed, but I have to type it on my laptop and then adjust a few details here and there and I don't know if today I'll have the time to do that...tomorrow I'll be away as well so I think that ,at the very last, the story will be up on Monday! XD Though I hope to have it ready by tomorrow evening!!!! Let's touch wood!! XD
Anyway I now I'm due to meet some friends and then we'll go buy some new clothes! YAY then tonight I'll be out eating pizza with some other friends!! XD
One of the best presents of the day is having John Barrowman back with his show "Tonight's the Night"!!! Although I won't be able to watch it it's kinda cute to think that John will be back TODAY of all days!!! Ahh how I love him! XD
Speaking of presents, even the little girl I'm tutoring in English brought me a gift. Wasn't she sweet to do that? (This will not save her from her homework thought!!! LOL)
Ok now I'm off to take a quick shower (here is hot hot hot! How's the weather in the world???)
Love Marta
Ps I hope to get a phone call from my sis tonight! She's on her honeymoon at the moment and today she arrived (or will arrive...different time zone and all...it's confusing!!) at Las Vegas!!! XD I even told her to play some money...maybe she'll be her lucky day!! XD