resin comparisons

Mar 03, 2007 16:20

I woke up with a horribly stiff neck, so I called out of work and slept the morning away. Oops. ¬_¬

I did a couple of resin comparison shots though. ^_^;

And Anneliese's head is done! I'm so excited. It's a good thing Muu's the stalker ninja, otherwise I'd never have known. XD

Toppi and the newly christianed Ben. His head could not take on hers in a fight-- her melon would squash his like a bug.

This is not a completely accurate shot; Toppi has yellowed like a banana in the last year. I never really noticed it before until now. She's going to get a bleaching bath ASAP.

This is a better comparison, I think. Anissa has a new (as of mid-Feb) SD Megu body and she's been handled less, so no color changes have shown up yet. The CP resin is slightly lighter and pinker. I don't have any pristine MSDs to head swap, but the difference is not enough to be major. IMO, anyway.

comparison, dolls, resin, toppi, cherry, msd

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