my Professor

Dec 28, 2005 00:01

To: My professor
Subject: did you forget about us?
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2005 02:39:42 +0000

I've been waiting for the grade in your class to raise my GPA. What's up? lol

Sorry I couldn't make it to the bar. My girl and I had an emergency out-of-towner earlier that day. I could use more beer in my life, though, before next semester starts up. Were you ever insane enough to think you could handle a 40 hour job + 15 units (that doesn't include the lab) + a full time girlfriend?

To make things worse I'm seriously thinking about changing my major from Forestry/Environmental Biology to Criminal Justice/Forensic Science. I consider it Job security...someday there won't be any forests, but people will still be killing eachother.

I'll be in Vegas for the next couple of days, but hit me back up when you get the chance.



And his reply:


listen you little 21 yr old punk, you're too young to piss and moan about life's hardships. here's the deal, put your nose to the grindstone, cinch the straps on tight, drink lots of beer, have more sex than television, and stick with forestry. when 21 yr olds start selling out for job security, especially ones like yourself, well then we might as well press the red button and call it quits cause life just ain't gonna be worth living. trust me. actually, don't trust me. i'm a fucking lunatic. trust yourself. you're a good person, cassandra. and that's enough.

have fun in vegas. as soon as you return and feel thirsty, lemme know. hell, i ain't going no where, that's for damn sure.

oh, and you got an a. but of course.


I just thought that was humorous to share with everybody.

On another note;

The fucking desert is shit ass cold, what the hell? I could barely sleep earlier because my body was too busy jerking around to creat bodyheat. Screw this shit. I heart my apartment that has seemed to develope this ability to stay the perfect temperature, even though it has leaks. Thanks Jacob.

The time away is good though. I've completely thrown myself into this book about that Sexton Family in the early 90's and have become obsessed (to say the least) about finding a pet store with some ferrets that I can hold and cuddle because I miss my girls. Even though Connor is sick and sometimes a little irritable, it makes my heart happy to have her around 24hrs a day for a few days because I haven't been getting enough time in and that's never good. I always get contankerous (sp?) and have to be beaten back into line -grins-. Throw a little disapointment in there about not getting my Tats yet and you have a perfectly balanced Quinn.

ps- I need a beer with my favorite burrito when we get back. Or we can take it easy before the New Years Party and go to's up to you.
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